Dangerous Prince

__________ POV Narration__________

While the alliance was departing from their meeting, their other three siblings were also gathered in a meeting of their own. One much less friendly.

The only prince who had died at this point is Sale Sale, which greatly annoyed Tserriednich. He detested his siblings, he considered them worse than trash.

He wanted to get rid of all of them. He hadn't yet realised that most of his other siblings were banding together to end the War.

So, he decided to hasten the war by eliminating two other candidates. One of them being his sister Tubeppa, who was also in an alliance with him. And the other being Zhang Lei, a prince with great aspirations and the means to achieve them.

Taking them out would be profitable for Tserriednich, as they were both formidable adversaries. Unfortunately, a silent takedown was impossible, as the two princes brought many of their guards to the meeting.

Still, Tserriednich was not one to give up so easily. He spiked the drinks that were given, which remained untouched anyway. Neither of the princes trusted each other. It was obvious that they would be cautious.

Unfortunately, Tserriednich wasn't exactly a patient man.

After that, he got annoyed and decided to just take them both out swiftly. Unfortunately for him, the bodyguards were prepared for something like this.

As the fight raged on, Theta, one of Tserriednich's bodyguards, could only look on in sadness. She had tried her best to kill Tserriednich, but she didn't have any luck.

She had also made a grave mistake. Teaching Tserriednich how to use Nen, something she now regretted doing.

Tserriednich was not a good man. No, he was pure evil, as if his dark desire to kill all of his siblings wasn't a good enough indicator. The prince also considered everyone other than him to be trash.

Tserriednich was, by all accounts, his father's reincarnation. Even if none of the others managed to realise that.

A homicidal maniac, a madman more than willing to commit fratricide and sororicide. All of that for a throne. Just so he could become a Tyrant and 'make the empire greater'...

Theta had done anything in her power to slay the monster... But she was helpless at this point. Bound by the man's Guardian Nen Beast, who protected him at all times.

She watched as her friends (the other bodyguards) fought. They fought to kill the other princes that had done nothing wrong...

What she didn't expect, however, was the door to swing open, as if kicked, and a handsome middle-aged man to just walk in.

"How come I wasn't invited to the party?" He said with a pout.

__________ POV Ashton__________

The situation here is really interesting. Three different princes gathered in one place, all of them trying to kill the other.

No alliances, no friends, not familial bond. They are all out for blood. Although two of them look a bit more unwilling than the one in front of me.

If I am not wrong, this man is named Tserriednich. Camilla warned me about him, saying that he will be fervently against changing the succession laws and ending the war.

For all of her quirks and strange behaviour, Camilla still gave me information on any person that might become a threat to our plans.

Like the Guard Captain, who I incapacitated already. Now, I need to see what the situation here is. The other princes besides Tserriednich might even join our party.

"Who are you?! Who gave you permission to enter the room of a prince!?" Great, a random servant decided to speak to me.

I tapped my necklace, 'Cold Command' and simply said "Lay down your weapons!" My command was heard, this small room making the sound that much more concentrated.

Cold Command amplifies my voice to a great extent, and against some animals, that might be an attack on its own.

Everyone quickly dropped their weapons, their hands forced by my voice. They looked shocked at first. But then someone recognized me.

"Y-You're the one from the theatre..." Great, at least some people actually remember me. I was beginning to think I no longer leave an impression on people...

"Indeed... So, what seems to be the issue here?" I said with a smile.

"What?! What exactly do you think is happening? This is a WAR, we are MEANT to KILL each other!" Tserriednich was the one to respond, letting his bloodthirsty nature show.

"I don't appreciate the tone kid. 'BE SILENCED!'" I could see everyone in the room holding their ears in pain, as my voice ricocheted off the walls and threatened to crush their eardrums.

Tserriednich was forced into silence, Cold Command stopping him from making any sound of protest. Now, I am not really looking for reasons to kill this man, but he seems to want to give me some.

His Nen Beast looked at me, its eyes wide in anger. I let off my En, suppressing it instantly as the entire ship shook. Its eyes changed from anger to confusion and then to pure terror.

Nen Beasts are a Nen Construct, but they are sentient. As their name implies, they are beastly in nature. They can act on instincts. And letting off my En is the same as giving it a warning.

I may have gone overboard though, as I've alerted every Nen User on the ship that something was going on.

It won't really be linked to me though, the range of my En is so great that it would be impossible to pinpoint exactly where the aura came from.

Most of the people in this room seem to realise that I was the source of that En, even those that can't really use Nen, as the atmosphere around me changed at about the same time as the ship started shaking.

But someone attracted my attention.

A woman wearing a black suit and tie. Her brown hair is reaching to her neck being held in place by a hairband. She has clear eyes and prominent eyelashes.

Her eyes widened, not in fear though. It was a different emotion, I can't really pinpoint it now. But I think it's hope or expectation. One of the two.

I don't really know this girl's name, but it would only be polite to ask it at this point. I've been staring at her for a few seconds.

"Now, I'd like to greet everyone in this room. My name is Ashton, I am a simple man, hopefully, we can get along..." I said to the silent room.

I slowly walked in front of her, much to her surprise, and extended my arm to her. She looked at it for a few seconds, before finally shaking it.

"M-My name is Theta... I am one of sir Tserriednich bodyguards." She seems quite nervous.

It's quite obvious that she doesn't fear me, which is what attracted my attention in the first place. Now, let's see what is actually on her mind.


Hope you liked the chapter!

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