The Scripture

__________ POV Ashton__________

I wasn't expecting Pap to be that troublesome. But I guess it is a calamity for a reason. Although I think I'd rate it a bit higher than the Hellbell...

I thankfully reacted in time. My senses might've dulled a bit in Lake Mobius, but I guess it's not that bad.

Still, I was taken by surprise there, although I guess I was on high alert the entire time. It's not like I jumped out of my skin when I was attacked, I just didn't know what to expect.

The Compendium doesn't seem to give much information on Calamities. Well, it seems to only give me the information I already know...

Kind of like how it does the same to the Chimera Ants. Which are basically also calamities.

But at least I didn't come out of that mess empty-handed. I found exactly what I was looking for in fact.

Text, information. Even if it's gibberish, I can understand it.

The book that came with the 'Blessings of the Older Gods' seems to be linked to this rock too. The book seems to be an encrypted method of translating the writings into a more common language.

This 'common language' is still an old language that the older civilisations of the Dark Continent used.

So I guess what I am currently looking into is ancient beyond the civilisations that left these ruins... I just hope it isn't in vain. As I'll have to spend quite a few weeks to make sense of these texts.

But, even if this text turns out to be a waste, this isn't exactly the worst way I've spent my time.

For now, I will take cover in a cave and set up some defences. I will spend a few weeks here, so I can also take Pitou out for a breath of 'fresh' air.

Cave air is always annoying to get used to. But I am thankfully already accustomed to it. I do like to spend my time in caves it seems...(phrasing)

Pitou also didn't seem to mind living in a cave. She spent the 3 weeks just staring at me and sleeping with me.

I was busy deciphering whatever that slab is supposed to say. And, I did succeed. Although the 'poem' left me with a lot more questions than answers...

It goes like this, roughly. Translations of ancient texts are rarely 100% accurate.

'Behind the veil of known reality,

The vile gods lie in wait,

For a weak fool with a brave heart,

To open up his soul to whispers,

They break the mind! They twist the soul!

Beware th-'

The writing is interrupted right at the most important part.

I'm not going to lie, this made me smash my table a bit. I even scared Pitou a bit, it took a few head pats to pacify her.

But there's not much I can do even if I get mad. The person writing was either interrupted or the writing itself was meant to be unfinished...

I am not dull enough to not realise who this writer is referring to. So the ancient civilisations considered the Eyes inside that Abyss to be 'vile gods'.

This in itself is already worth the time I've spent. It means they interacted with our world in the past. This also means I can find even more.

Still, 'a weak fool with a brave heart' isn't exactly a good way to describe me. But I was in a weak state when they tried to 'bend' my mind...

So I guess it does somewhat make sense. These strange writings are quite specific. But I guess I should tread carefully when dealing with this issue from now on...

I don't like this. It feels inadequate. I have much to learn now, I need to look deeply into that Labyrinth City Ruin. It's bound to have some information...

"Pitou! I think I'm done for now. We'll rest a bit and then I'll have to restart my journey." I told the curious Chimera Ant. She had been asking a lot about the things I've been working on.

I always told her that I'm just reading an old stone. But she didn't seem to appreciate my honesty, even accusing me of being a liar.

"Kay~," She said in her regular tired tone. She's been mostly entertaining herself. The most I can do is let her lean on me while studying.

"Say, what do you wish to eat tonight?" I asked with a smile.

I obviously brought enough ingredients to feed a village for decades. I can make most types of food and I do not lack any supplies.

"Pizza!~" Well, she's not really into fancy foods, but simplicity does have its own pleasant feeling.

"Sure, let me just cook it up." I took out all of my appliances and got to work, she didn't specify what type of pizza, but that's just because she has never had a type of pizza she hasn't enjoyed.

I finished making our meal as the walls of the cave started shaking. My expression didn't change at all. This is to be expected after all.

One of the walls opened up and a strange-looking 'mole' entered the cave. This is part of the species that once built my previous living quarters when I was younger.

It has an extremely large furred body, its eyes were nonexistent, it looked like its mouth was kept shut by strange fleshy strips.

But it doesn't actually have a mouth. Its nose is likely the most powerful out of any species on this part of the Dark Continent.

Thankfully, it's also one of the least aggressive species ever. It was likely attracted here by the smell of food. It's the only reason

I don't really understand how, but these beasts weren't affected by whatever touched the outside. But that may be because they weren't all that intelligent, to begin with.

And their bodies aren't really made for combat, they are made for digging. Although they might be stronger than a lot of Nen Users.

Only beings like this are left unaffected by the strange madness that plagued the Continent. Basically, only the weak and unintelligent ones.

All of the predators already possessed some intelligence, so they were affected. Beasts like this are already almost extinct.

I guess we don't have to worry for now.


Hope you liked the chapter!

I hate writing that poem(I guess?) thingy(feels weird). But hey, it gets the message across! (and there will only be one more like it)

If u want to support me look up VeganMaster on Patr_eon.
