Mist and Departure

__________ POV Ashton__________

"So, what exactly have you guys been up to?" I said as I lead the way away from the territory of the spider.

They had decided to make a stop by their camp to grab their supplies and what tents they found still intact.

I spent that time looking at my watch and whistling around the camp. Most of the members of this team aren't really all that accustomed to me yet.

Most of the supporting members barely even know my name.

Well, not for a lack of me trying. I did try talking to most of them, but I think their opinion of me fell quite a bit after we parted ways.

Nothing I care a lot about it. They likely think I should've stuck with them for longer, or that no one would've died if I was also present.

But that's just foolish. If I did stay around them I'd no doubt attract a forest full of beasts in this location.

After all, I can take care of myself using Nen minimally, but I can't do that when with more people. My adventures with Netero, Zigg and Linne are quite a good example of that.

I always ended up having to use more Nen and attracting too much attention from the forests. Which often lead to us having to run as quickly as we could.

Although, the ways our personalities clashed often brought more trouble than the beasts themselves.

I remember Zigg cutting Netero's beard while the latter was sleeping. That ended in a brawl. It took me and Linne both to separate the two idiots.

Why Netero was so mad? Zigg had done that using Yama's Nail(One Hit Kill Relic)...

Well, there were quite a few moments like that. Zigg wasn't the only one with a lukewarm IQ in that group.

Netero himself was a Masterchef of idiocy. He could cook up the stupidest of plots, the type that wouldn't even cross my mind, in a matter of seconds.

Like that time when he tried to plug up an erupting volcano using a large ball of the 1000-Beads Mala. Why he did that? Well, and I will quote him here.

'I wanted to see if it would explode or not.' Well, it did. And we had to flee for our lives once more.

He was truly the smartest of scientists, his experiments were always fruitful and beneficial. (Sarcasm)

Linne herself had her moments of brilliance, like the aforementioned 'Egg Hunt' where we all tried to steal the eggs of a legendary beast and had to run for our lives for days.

The legendary beast was a phoenix, one that's instinctually very protective of its young.

In retrospect, I could've also advised against this plan, but I also kinda wanted to taste them...

I mean, the omelette was damn fine, but it wasn't really worth the risk of death and all the running.

Well, enough about that.

I've been walking with the Expedition Team for a few hours now. They are still quite on edge from their encounter with a 'Powerful Predator'.

I can't really blame them, it's probably the strongest beast they've seen till now. Well, maybe Beyond has seen stronger in his last expedition. But he doesn't count.

Marione is still giving me strange gazes from time to time. Sometimes staring at me for a bit too long...

I would guess she's curious about my strength too. Especially since she seems to be the type to take those things seriously.

But I didn't really talk much to her, and I don't really plan to. I just told Curly to avoid any strange ruin they might come across.

He didn't want to at first. But he accepted to speak to Beyond about it after I told him about the Misty Biome. It's a place that's constantly moving, calling it a biome is a bit much.

But it's something I had initially forgotten about. It's basically an area where strange structures might appear, they are most of the time, false.

Illusions made by a strange type of flower that slowly moves underground. It captures the victims in its illusions and sucks away their lifeforce using its vines.

I didn't really run into it directly(cuz I fly high) but I did see it from a distance. I feel it's would be good to tell them about it too.

Still, that fight with the spider was a lot easier than I anticipated. I had forgotten how feeble the exoskeleton of 'The Bloodseeker' actually is.

But I guess the environment didn't really help it either.

It was a bit boring, the only entertaining thing there was the reaction of the group. But that quickly bored me too.

I'm already going to take my leave soon. So I guess I'll just announce Curly and Beyond or something like that.

Well, announcing Beyond might be a bit more fitting, seeing as he's supposedly the leader of the expedition.

I just walked towards the bearded man and patted him on the shoulder.

"Beyond, I'll be on my way soon." He just looked at me for a bit then nodded.

"Thank you for all the help then. It's been a pleasure travelling with you." He said with a smile and a tired sigh. I guess they haven't really rested properly yet. With the spider attacking them and all.

He seems like a good guy. We'd probably become friends if not for that strange tone of formality in his voice.

I guess he can't help but be polite, I am his senior by many years and he knows it too. That and me being friends with his dad.

Maybe that's why he can't truly be relaxed around me. Oh well, I won't be sticking around with him for long. I also can't really assist him in any way.

If I made a Nen Beast and gave it to him I would likely just kill him. The entire group would be swarmed in minutes.

And they can't even win against a Bloodseeker, their chances against a horde aren't really shining that brightly...

I waved at the group. "Take care!" Shouted Curly, I just smiled.

"Good luck to you guys!" I then flew off using my relic. I took off into the clouds before slowly flying away.

I still have quite a long way to travel after all... This is hopefully going to be quite uneventful.


Hope you liked the chapter.

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