The V5 and Influence

__________ POV Ashton__________

The old man looked directly at me through his monitor. He was wearing a formal suit. He had a bald spot in the middle of his head. It went along nicely with his crooked nose.

I think he's been listening in to our little conversation, it wouldn't surprise me. These guys are usually control-freaks.

Cheadle looked angry when seeing his sudden appearance.

"It seems you've been busy... Ashton." He said with a devious smile. I can already tell that he's planning something moronic.

"What is the meaning of this?! What gives you the right to show up unannounced during our meeting?!" Cheadle is the President of the Hunter Association.

But she can't outright accuse him of listening in on our conversation. She needs to be really careful...

Well, she doesn't actually. Netero would've probably just told him to fuck off and unplug the screen. But comparing Cheadle to Netero is getting a bit old.

I do not doubt that this comparison will stick to her for a long time, as everyone around her will try to compare this to how things were back then.

"Now, now. You people should be silent for now. The Hunter Association's business has nothing to do with this..." Oh boy, here it comes.

The usual threat that people like him like to throw around.

"Besides, you wouldn't be anything without the founding and support of the V5. I recommend addressing me with care, Miss Chairman." His smile says it all really.

His arrogance seems to be going through the roof. I think it should be my task to bring it down a bit... Maybe I should remind him who he is speaking to.

Cheadle just trembled in frustration. She still doesn't know enough to understand just how little his threat meant.

"Pfft, I hope you are joking. You little clown, do you think you can act like a king in front of me? Did you forget what our remedy for that attitude used to be?" He turned a bit white at my words.

When I said 'our' I was referring to me and Netero. We had a knack for taking out people that irritated us. The V5 used to tread on thin ice.

The V5 may have a large sphere of influence. But the Hunter Association is just as, if not more influential.

The only difference is that the Hunter Association doesn't have any easy access to Nuclear Power and Bombs.

"Hmph, don't try to intimidate me, Ashton. You are in no position to do so currently." Oh? Are we doing this right now?

Pitou looked a bit confused at the whole situation. But so did the Zodiacs. They never really knew what my standing with the V5 was.

"You've gone too far this time. You ignored our orders and entered the Dark Continent. Do you even realise that you might've woken up a calamity while doing so?!" This old guy really likes to act righteously. Such a high pedestal he's propped himself on.

"Oh, don't act like you suddenly gained empathy. You're just mad I didn't announce my departure to you and your dogs." I said while waving my hand around a bit.

I could see his face turn a bit red, mostly out of anger though.

"This is no joking matter! Because of your excursion humanity might be in danger. That's why we will need all of the data you've collected to protect ourselves. It's not the time to be greedy!"

Says the greedy pig. I figured that's what they are after. They should be interested in the specimen of Pap and the Brion that I have on me.

I did mention keeping them to the Zodiacs earlier. I didn't see the need to hide that, the Zodiacs themselves wouldn't ask me for it.

"Hmm? Is it just me, or does it smell like hypocrisy in here? Be honest for once in your life, you are just interested in what I have. The V5 doesn't give two shits about humanity." I said while scratching my belly.

I've yet to put my gauntlets into the Void Space, mainly because I forgot about it. I did wear them all the time for the better part of a year.

It seems their appearance somewhat interested this old guy too.

"What is that body armour? You aren't exactly known to wear any. Is it something from the da-"

"It's none of your business. Just like my research on calamities is none of your business. I recommend the V5 stops bothering me." The old guy looked even madder.

"Hmph! Do you even understand who you're addressing? I think you have become too arrogant. Do you even know what type of power we are capable of wielding?" Wow, his bragging is getting boring by now.

The Zodiacs also looked annoyed, although Cheadle looks a bit scared.

"Of course I do you numb skull. Who do you think built the weapons you are so proud of? Stop with the 'length' measuring contest and stop bothering me." I said dismissively.

I am in no way scared of nukes. I left a failsafe in all of the ones that my laboratories and workshops have built. I have a few special triggers. Pressing them will remotely detonate the explosives.

I even labelled the triggers for the names of each country.

This was actually the method I had thought of when I wanted humanity to go extinct. Before realising they had little to do with my homeland.

"Don't think this is the end of our conver-" He was going to continue talking, so I just got up and unplugged the monitor.

I actually unplugged everything, just in case.

"Well then, glad that's over," I said while taking my gauntlets off and throwing them in my void space.

"What?! That was horrendous! You've angered the V5, what are you going to do now?" Cheadle showing me once again that she's a worrywart.

"Oh please, this isn't the first time this has happened and it won't be the last. I know you were lead to believe that the V5 are a big deal, but they aren't really." I guess I can try to calm her down.

"What do you mean they aren't a big deal?! They are an alliance formed by the 5 strongest countries, and they basically rule the association." I just looked at Cheadle.

"They don't rule the association, they are basically just shareholders. You have the final say, they may be trying to undermine your influence though." She looks a bit distraught.

"What am I supposed to do them? You have more experience dealing with them..." She finally asks for advice.

"Well, Netero employed a strategy of just ignoring them most of the time and only listening if the situation profited the association. It's a bit late for you to do that, but it won't hurt to try."

She looked a bit flabbergasted, they all looked like that. I guess Netero didn't keep them close when dealing with the governments.

"You can respond to their calls, just nod your head a few times and say yeah, then completely forget about them and go on with your day. They can't really do anything to you." I slowly started preparing to leave the meeting.

I still have to see how Momoze has been doing. The Royal Family should still be on the Black Whale.

"Well, I will be taking my leave. Think about what I told you just now. Pitou, let's leave."

I didn't need to tell her twice, she was already up and walking behind me. I guess this meeting really bored her greatly.

"H-Hey! Thanks again for saving my ass!" Shouted Kanzai as he stood up a bit.

"No problem! Try not to get yourself killed!" I said without turning around.

I wonder how far the Black Whale is from this place... I should be able to reach it quickly by myself. I looked at a map that was put on a post board inside the city square.

It showed me the location of the three cities. The first city was the closest to the ship, so I'll fly there.

It's also a good occasion for Pitou to practice flying around.


Hope you liked the chapter!

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