
_________ POV Narration_________

The princes and the two queens were all shocked to see the massive snake stick its head out from the steel floor.

They were especially shocked to see it spit out Kurapika.

The snake then seemed to become smaller in size before completely disappearing. Even from the Gyo of Halkenburg, who was sweating a bit when seeing the beast.

He and Oita were the only Nen users in that group. Technically, only the two of them should've been able to see the Nen Spirit Beasts.

Yet, they seemed to have taken an actual physical form. To the point where even regular people could see them.

Now though, they were back to normal. With one small exception. Halkenburg could clearly see that Momoze's beast was weakened.

It seemed that the strange aura of the attackers had really adverse effects on the Beast.

'Such an escape will be impossible for a second time...' Were the concerns running through Halkenburg's mind, as he analysed the situation.

Not only that but Kurapika was also injured and exhausted. So the princes needed to do their best to remain in hiding.

When seeing Kurapika's condition, Momoze just sighed. 'I guess Ashton was also looking out for him...' That was the thought going through her mind.

"What just happened...?" Asked Kacho while looking at her half-siblings and mothers-in-law.

"That's a bit difficult to explain..." Responded Halkenburg.

The princes that couldn't use Nen barely understood anything of what had happened. They couldn't tell that the soldiers had been mind-controlled.

One of the few surviving servants was none other than Theta. Who looked to be doing quite badly. She had been shot twice.

She managed to take out the projectiles and to get rid of the Shakti, but she was still bleeding. She could barely stand on her own currently.

"I think... Our best bet is to wait for Ashton to arrive..." That was all she said as she looked at the princes.

"Still... We are like sitting ducks here. The soldiers could show up any minute, and we have no way of fighting them reliably." Said Halkenburg as he looked at his siblings.

"Well... We might still have a chance. But it's risky enough as it is. We could be found at any moment." Said Oita as she looked at the unconscious Kurapika.

"Indeed. But we don't even know when Ashton will arrive. Or if he's even coming here." Said Momoze as she looked at the injured servants that were doing their best to patch each other up.

"I'm guessing the rest of our servants are gone... So we can't do anything but wait." Said Momoze as she looked around.

She wasn't a Nen User, but she wasn't ignorant. She knew that their chances of even surviving if they encountered that group again were near zero.

Well, things were about to take a turn for the better, well... Almost.

They all heard a large bone-rattling explosion, as the ship started shifting to the side.

"What the hell is happening?!" Shouted a panicked Oita.

While they were collecting themselves and reaching an agreement on their course of action.

Ashton was using his greatest speed to reach the Black Whale, and when thinking of explosions, one also tends to think of detonation velocities.

They tend to vary in between the type of explosions used. Usually varying due to firepower/strength.

So, currently, Ashton was going at the fastest speed he had ever been before.

Yet, still, he managed to reach the astonishing speed of 37080 kilometres per hour. It was around 10% of the speed of light. Or about 36 times the speed of sound.

It was not a speed that a human was supposed to safely travel at. Thankfully, Ashton was not a normal human.

The only reason he wasn't shredding himself apart with the force of the wind and his own explosion was due to the cloak of Nen that covered his body completely.

But that protection wasn't perfect at all points. He made sure to protect his vital organs much better, but his hands and feet were not receiving the same 'royal treatment.

After all, this was the first time he had accelerated to this point, he could feel his legs burning and his bones cracking with each explosion.

The only reason his hands hadn't been burned off yet was due to the Gauntlets of Neith. That was the only Relic that Ashton had decided to wear for this trip.

He didn't even spend much time thinking, he was in a hurry after all.

It took him around 10 minutes to reach the Black Whale, even with his monstrous speed. His legs had been burned to charcoal at that point, and his body was filled with cuts.

He slowed down in the air near the Black Whale, stopping right above it and looking down at it.

He quickly used 'Splitting Cell' along with a small portion of his Vitality, to recreate his body. He quickly took off his Gauntlets and put them on the said clone, as they were falling in mid-air.

Then he transferred his consciousness to the clone.

Ashton was the only person that had the ability to disregard his body to this extent. He grabbed his former body by the hands, infusing it with his Parasitic Nen, and threw it towards the ship in a fit of anger.

He could feel where on the ship the princes were, so he targeted the very furthest point that he could.

He could tell that everybody else on the ship were Shakti users, so he didn't bother holding back.

How exactly did he know that? Well, it was logical. After finding out how quickly Shakti could spread. He figured that the ship was bound to be filled with infected people.

And, since the princes were actually in danger, even after he had taken out Zhang Lei, that could only mean one thing.

The 'Guardian Spirit Beast' Of Zhang Lei could take control of people that were infected.

And it meant that the ship was no longer safe.

His former body smashed into the ship, the metal bending around it as the body finally started turning to mush due to the impact.

But it didn't get to turn to mush completely, as a large explosion covered that entire part of the ship. The raging flames melted through the ship and evaporated a lot of the seawater around it.

The explosion seemed to expand for a few kilometres, eventually harming a large portion of the massive ship.

He quickly used Wind Aspect to blow away the smoke and rushed inside the ship through the large opening that he had created.

At the same time, water quickly started filling the ship and tilting it to the side.

He didn't look around for long, just rushed towards where he already knew that the princes were.

He kicked the door open, startling everyone inside, as he looked at them.

"What the hell happened?" He asked as he looked at the shocked princes.

The second they saw him, they all relaxed.


Hope you liked the chapter!

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