Walls and Morale

__________ POV Ashton__________

How does one go about organizing a perfect colony... Well, I guess this is not a colony any longer, it might as well be called a small country.

This expedition has inadvertently become one of the last bastions of safety that humanity has... Well, it might actually be the last. That's actually quite hard to tell.

I've already gotten to work and raised walls around all of the cities. Construction is easy when using Nature Resonance, it didn't even take me 5 minutes for each wall... They are all complete with watchtowers and everything.

There is only one problem with that is the fact that they are technically made out of dirt. They need to be patched up after every bout of heavy rain, and they aren't quite sturdy.

Even when I compress the dirt to make it sturdier, it only lasts for a bit longer.

That's why these walls are more like placeholders. I purposefully built them further away from the actual Cities to leave enough space for the workers to build actual stone and concrete walls.

Why exactly do we need walls? Reassurance really, I don't actually need it, but with fewer scout teams sent out and fewer hunters quelling the local beast population, we can expect some type of response.

Mass migration of a few dangerous species would prove to be quite devastating to a scarcely defended city.

Other than that, not much has happened. Cluck and Ginta have both already set sail, they should be safe enough, the ocean shouldn't pose much of a threat to them.

They only took a few people to man the ship. A small crew of 6 people, just enough to sail properly.

Their provisions are secure, they are to stop for a refill when reaching the rest of Lake Mobius. And, with their expedition back to Lake Mobius is somewhat planned out, I can stop and think about how the people I'm trying to contact will respond to my letters.

I've written letters to all the groups I assume are still safe. People like Silva, Smokey(Morel) and even Kite. I need them to gather as many uninfected people as possible.

I know that she's approaching the cities and that only means one thing really. Her training is over.

A few weeks earlier than I had anticipated, but that's not really something I find horrible. If she completes her training early, then the colony gains another strong fighter that can help protect it when I'm away.

That's right, I no longer plan on taking her with me everywhere. But I don't really plan on being away all that much. I only have so much time as of now, I need to prepare for whatever these 'Gods' want to throw at me.

I do not doubt that protecting humanity would be difficult to do by myself. That's why I need more people though.

Now that I think about it... When have I started caring so much for humanity? Maybe when I realised that my suffering didn't have anything to do with them.

Regardless, I can clearly see that currently, I only have one enemy. Well, a group of enemies. Those self-proclaimed gods are what I should be concentrating on killing.

Or I should at least find a way to seal them. The only thing I have to go on in this 'Shakti'. Nen is, after all, the life force of each individual human. Those that control it are Nen Users.

So, by extension, Shakti is likely the life-force of one or more of these gods. Which would mean that this is also Nen, just taking a different from.

It's a bit odd really, but it wouldn't really be able to coexist with Nen otherwise. It seems to repel and try to infect any organism that has Nen.

But, the original infected, the ones that were infected through Zhang Lei's Guardian Spirit Beast, was able to have both Nen and Shakti.

This is all a bit annoying to figure out. And I don't really have much time to ponder on these things. I need to wait for the arrival of the Zoldycks, they will definitely be bringing Alluka with them.

And I can ask Ai for that information. I didn't want to do it initially, but I don't have much of a choice at this point. I just hope we'll be able to lower the difficulty of her next request after it responds to my question.

That's how this Ai works, it makes a request of higher difficulty depending on the wish it granted before that.

But, if that request is failed, the consequences may vary. I remember asking Silva about this while I was still in the Zoldyck compound. That somewhat solidified my decision to not ask Ai for information.

I'll have to consult with Killua before doing so, to learn if reducing the difficulty of her requests is even feasible. If it is not, then I might have to refrain from asking any question to Ai.

Still, the arrival of the Zoldycks, along with the rest of the survivors might take a while. There's also the problem of transportation. I might have to hand 'Noah's Arc' to a Zodiac and teach them how to use it... Well, at least temporarily, I'm not actually willing to part with that relic.

Currently, I am slowly flying toward the third city, I do wish to greet Pitou properly.

I hope she's been training hard, she's had more time to do so now, so I expect her to be much stronger than when I broke her mind at the Palace.

I reached the city rather quickly, Pitou listened to me, so she was travelling on foot, she was still around two hours away. So that gave me time to explore around the city for a bit.

It has grown quite a bit, the people we brought here are all qualified, after all, they already started building factories and other industrial infrastructure.

It is quite nice to see this progress unfold before my eyes. Cheadle's work shows the way these cities are managed. She actually handles most of them herself.

Unfortunately, morale is quite low as of late. I can see that the people aren't exactly happy with things.

The main issue being the separation and the quarantine zone. Even though we have given them reassurance that everything would be fine, it seems in their nature to distrust their leaders.

After all, everyone that came here is someone that tried to run away from their old life. People that had some dissatisfaction with their old lives.

Well, they are obviously also qualified to do some things. Like engineers, electricians, builders, farmers even.

Still, though, it's a bit annoying to rule a nation of distrustful and distrusting people.

Now... What should I do while waiting for Pitou?


Hope you liked the chapter!

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