Conspiracy and Execution

"Where is Gihion's spirit?' she asked.

"Gihion? Ah, that spirit had a special pass. After being brought to the lake of forgetfulness, he was immediately processed for reincarnation."

"What?!" she was furious! "On whose orders?!"

"There's only one person that can order me, dear little fox."

"Ceviuq." she said in a low and dangerous tone.

Euka headed to Lanez's cave to tell him of her predicament, but when she got there, he was already dead. A familiar looking dagger was stabbed straight to his heart.

"Old man?" she called. "Teacher Lanez! No! Not you too! Don't do this to me!"

As if on cue, the heavenly guards arrived.

"Euka of the fox clan, you are under arrest for being caught red-handed in murdering the Keeper of the Jade Mountain, Lanez!"

"What? I didn't- He was already dead when I arrived!"

"Explain yourself to the council of the gods."

She was brought to the Celestial Realm where most of the gods reside. With cuffs and shackles that restricted her movements, she was forced to kneel in front of them.

"Why did you kill Lanez?" asked one of the gods.

"I didn't! Why would I kill my own teacher? Are you guys stupid?"


"Euka of the Hale Fox Clan, you have committed a grave sin by murdering Lanez." Ceviuq announced.

"How many times do I have to tell you, I didn't kill him!"

"Isn't this your dagger?"

Ceviuq showed the dagger that killed her teacher. It was hers, and it was given by Gihion. But she was so sure she lost it a few days ago.

"Yes, but I didn't do it. I'm obviously being framed." she glared at the king of the gods. "By somebody else obviously."

"You were caught red-handed and the dagger was yours, all evidences point to you."

"My gosh, your justice system is worse than earth!" she exclaimed.

"For murdering the Keeper of Jade Mountain and therefore breaking the seal of the evil primordial Lyga, Euka of the Hale Fox Clan, you are sentenced for execution and your spirit will be sent into oblivion! Immediately!"

Surprised was an understatement for Euka. Back in her previous life as Andrea Fuentebella, each country had their laws and even criminals were given enough time to spend their last moments with their family before they were executed. But Ceviuq seemed to want her to die as soon as possible. She then figured it out.

"Why do you want to get rid of me that much?" she asked Ceviuq as she was shackled between the two pillars at the lowest level of the Celestial Realm. "You even did something as elaborate as killing my human husband and pin the murder of my teacher on me."

"It's because you're a threat to the peace the gods have been maintaining for thousands of years."

"You're afraid." she said. "Of little old me?"

Euka couldn't help but laugh. His reason didn't have a solid foundation and was very ridiculous.

"I suppose you want to nip the bud before it could bloom." she commented. "How quaint of you."

She suddenly felt a surge of pain and she passed out.

When she opened her eyes, she found herself floating in space. There was only darkness and dots which somehow looked like stars to Euka. In front of her, a figure suddenly formed. She wore a red dress and held a regal aura, and she's powerful.

"You must be Euka, the one Lanez had been teaching."

"Who… where…"

"I am Lyga."

"Lanez's mother."

Lyga chuckled which earned her a confused look from Nyxtriel.

"Sorry. It's just that, whenever my name is uttered, others would think about the evil primordial goddess that almost destroyed the world and was the mother of demons. This is the first time somebody identified me as Lanez's mother."

"Oh… well…"

"But it's fine. You're a spiritual power-"

"Mystic arts." she corrected. "Lanez and I renamed it mystic arts."

"Really now? Very well. You're a mystic arts user and there's only a few of us out there. In fact the only ones I knew to be mystic art users would be Lanez, me and another primordial, Farrion."

Euka's eyes widened. Farrion was the first Fox Clan king and his very essence created Hale. He was also her great-grandfather.

"Unfortunately, others misunderstand us and see us as threats, don't you think so?"

"Tell me about it. Wait, I'm about to be executed!"

"Exactly. That upstart Ceviuq is merging my soul with yours to send us both to perish in oblivion."

"So basically, we're dying."



"But, it doesn't have to be the two of us." Euka gave Lyga a look that asked her to explain. "Even if I had been trapped here for almost a million years already, I am still powerful, why do you think they could only seal me and not destroy me? It's because they can't."

"You're boasting." Euka pointed out.

"Maybe. Anyway, I can give you my remaining power and let you survive."

"I'm sensing a 'but' in your statement."

"You're sharp, that's good." Lyga paused. "Anyway, I can give you my power and become even more powerful than ever but you will never become a high god."

"But I'll be powerful right? Then I can get back at that crooked nosed thug who calls himself the king of the gods, right?"

"Your choice of words is really something, you know that?"

"What else?" Euka asked.

"The demons. They have been oppressed and have been suffering for a long time. Can you free them? And if you can, lead them. Become the Black Sovereign and be the next Demon Queen."

Euka thought for a second. She wanted to survive, reveal the truth to the world and get back at Ceviuq. It would be hard to do it alone and dragging the entire Hale Fox Clan was also not something she would want to do.

"Very well. I accept. You don't mind if I use them to extract my revenge right?" Euka asked.

"I don't. Plus, I'm pretty sure my people have a score to settle with the gods. I don't think they would mind."

With the two of them in agreement, Lyga glowed and entered Euka's body.

Euka opened her eyes and saw Ceviuq thrust a glowing sword to her chest. The blade felt hot and she felt like she was burning.

"With this, the evil primordial Lyga will also perish."

Euka felt a smirk form on her lips.

"I shall return."

Euka wasn't really sure who originally said those words; was it her? Or was it Lyga?