Temporarily Okay

Zaira understood Khalil's confusion at her request, but she already made up her mind about it. And besides, she trusted Khalil, the one she raised like her own son, she could tell him everything.

"Khalil, even though I'm Andrea Fuentebella right now I still have the spirit, memories and power of a demon queen inside of me. They're not noticing it now since I'm just a child but sooner or later, they'll catch on. And I'm afraid it will put them in danger." she explained.

"Okay… What do you want to do?"

"Help me fake my death."

"Ha? As in right now? No… wait that came out wrong. You want me to fake the death of an eleven year old girl?"

"Yes. I want you to help me fake the death of an eleven year old." she said. "I'll talk to a grim reaper I know so he can help us concerning the afterlife."

"Wah, you're the Black Sovereign alright."

"And that identity is the reason why I'm making this decision."

"Fine. I will do it. Let me plan it out first. Just give me a heads up when you want to do it."

"Okay. Thank you Little Six."

When Andrea returned home for dinner that day she saw her parents were depressed. She realized that her words probably had a great impact on them. Their youngest daughter just told them off after all, which parent wouldn't be heartbroken at such a situation?

"I'm home." she announced.

Both her mother and father perked up and immediately ran to her direction. Andrea also heard fast paced steps upstairs and saw her older siblings coming her way.

"Andrea, baby, are you serious about your words?" her mother asked.

"I'm very serious mom. I want to be independent and enjoy my life. I know you're thinking why and how could a child like me do it? That's why I need your support." she answered. "Mom, dad, as I said, your children have their own lives, they have their own path to take and destiny to face. They also have their own wants and needs. Parents can give advices and/or support their children, but imposing your desires on your children and making the decisions for them is just too much."

"Sis, are you sure you're eleven?" asked Arthur who was a bit bewildered at the situation, but she didn't even bat an eye on his question.

"I know Matilda want to be an archaeologist and want to travel the world to discover its mysteries."

Matilda gasped at her younger sister's words. She had never told anyone that.

"And Arthur, he wants to be a doctor, but not a neurosurgeon like you want him to be. He wants to be a pediatric surgeon instead."

"How did you know that?" the eldest son of the family exclaimed.

"I just know, now shut up and let me negotiate with mom and dad." she said with gritted teeth. "And me, I'm not sure what I want yet, that's why I want to be independent and broaden my horizons."

Victoria and Philip glanced at each other before glancing at their children who were all looking at them guiltily.

"Is that, is that really what you want?" Victoria asked.

The two teenagers were a bit hesitant, but Andrea nudged them and even whispered about not wasting her efforts.

"Mom, I really want to be a pediatric surgeon." Arthur said. "So…"

"Mom, dad, I really like history and archaeology. I have always been fascinated in investigating ancient civilizations and studying their ways of life. I feel like I will really be happy with it."

"Mom, dad, it's not that we're defying you, but each person is different, each person is unique, so you can't just impose your decisions on them. A person has his own thoughts and aptitude on something. If you force something they don't like, then they'll only be unhappy in the end." Andrea explained.

"I don't know where Andrea is getting her logic, but I totally agree with her." Arthur said. "Each person has something their good at, and also something they're bad at. Making a bad decision by ourselves is also part of experiencing life."

Andrea just smiled at her brother's words.

"Also," Matilda inserted. "Even if we fail at something, at least we don't have to blame anyone. After all, we made the decisions ourselves."

"Exactly!" Andrea said happily. "Mommy! Daddy! We're you're children after all, do you think we'll give up immediately?"

Even with tears in her eyes, Victoria couldn't help but chuckle at Andrea's words. Philip hugged her.

"They're really our children Victoria. They have firm decisions even at such an age." he said.

"That's right."

The couple faced their children who had a hopeful look in their faces.

"If that's what you really want, then we'll support you." Victoria said.

"I agree with your mother."

The siblings glanced at each other with a shocked expression.


For the first time, the Fuentebella Family became united and agreed on something. And the one who couldn't be happier was Andrea. She was planning to leave after all, she couldn't just let her siblings suffer by doing things they never liked. Even though she was being selfish by choosing to leave them, at least their Fuentebella Family, finally seemed like a happy and united family.

Two weeks later, Khalil and Andrea met again. They were finally executing their plan. Together with them was Fariso, the grim reaper who was Andrea's friend. They planned to fake her death, and with death, there had to be a record in the grim reapers' files about the incident. From what they knew, thousands, if not millions, go to the afterlife and be judged all the time. Fariso just had to make sure his superiors wouldn't notice it.

Helping the two was already breaking the rules, but were the two of them even part of the scope of such laws?

"Are you sure about this?" Khalil asked.

"I am."

"What about your family?" he asked again.

"They'll be fine. They're strong-minded people. Where do you think I got my mentality?"

"I thought you were born with it." Andrea only scoffed and rolled her eyes. "You sure you won't regret it?"

"I'll try not to."

"What kind of answer is that?" Khalil turned to Fariso. "She's-"

"Let's just get to it already. I managed to convince one death god to turn a blind eye on this because he said he owed Andrea, and that he was acquainted with Khalil. I already processed the papers and finished the necessary procedure. It's too late to turn back now." Fariso argued.

"What Fariso said." Andrea replied nonchalantly.

"Whatever. Let's just finish this then."

The next week, the news of the death of an eleven year old genius was reported in newspapers, televisions and news platforms in the internet. The cause of death was drowning; she got swept away by a strong current while swimming in the sea.

Far away from the incident… Weeks later…

In China, the head of the Li Family introduced his illegitimate daughter to his family. Her name was Li Xueyue. English name, Andrea Li.


It's back! With a new update schedule! Unfortunately, since I'm prioritizing my Spirity's entry; [I Will Be the Strongest with My Slayer System] (feel free to check it out), this one will be updated once a week. Please understand and hang in there.

Lots of love,
