The Ship Restaurant

Khalil, now Liu Bai, and Andrea, now Li Xueyue, were seated at the backseat of a car. Since they both had teenage forms, they couldn't drive and needed a driver to get them around. The driver was a low-level demon that had worked for Liu Bai for quite some time, so his loyalty was not questioned.

Liu Bai had told all his subordinates all over the world about Li Xueyue, but he only told them a brief background of her though. He decided they did not need to know the entire details. He only had to make sure they would obey her.

Back to the car…

"So, how did the first meeting go?" Liu Bai asked. He noticed that Xueyue was a little restless.

"So-so." was her simple answer.

"'So-so'? How come?"

"Erhua doesn't like me and Sanhao follows his sister most of the time. I might have some hardship on my path." she shrugged. "I don't mind though. It's a normal reaction."

"I see. That's good then?"

"Not sure yet. How about on your side?"

"It's quite well. The Liu Family I joined only has one son, who's legally older than me. It's actually convenient."


"I'm the second son, so people wouldn't wonder why I don't focus on learning the family business." he grinned. "Yixing's pretty cool with it too since he had known everything ever since he was a child."

"Well, only Yiheng knows among Weixian and Qianhao's kids so it will be a little challenging."

Xueyue just sighed. The family meeting three days ago was definitely a disaster. And why did she have to say such a thing?! The Li Family was helping her after all!

"Eh? By the way…" Xueyue cut off her thoughts and faced Liu Bai. "Where the hell are we going?"

Earlier that morning, Liu Bai called her and told her to get dressed and be ready. They had to go somewhere and he would be picking her up. He did not elaborate on the phone call so she decided to just ask him once they were together.

"Well, I want it to be a surprise, but I know you don't like surprises." Liu Bai grinned like the teenager he was. "We're meeting Ceio."

Xueyue's eyes widened. Ceio was one of her generals back in Vastia. Apart from being strong, she was also the one most suited in diplomatic matters because of her calm disposition. But don't let that fool anyone. Once she runs out of patience, she's like a bomb ready to go off any minute. It did not help that she was a demon who had strong affinity to the fire element. She especially liked explosions.

Xueyue was excited. So far, she had only met Liu Bai in her present life. If all the people she cherished were in the same world as her, she wanted to see them and keep them close.

The two arrived at a port. Xueyue stared at the ship restaurant docked at the port. She also noticed the lack of people so something was definitely up. And if she had to guess, Liu Bai had something to do with it.

"Come on." Liu Bai said and they entered the ship.

At first, Xueyue was skeptical if they could even enter. She was pretty sure the entire place was expensive, luxurious even, would the people inside even let two teenagers stroll inside easily?

"Hi! We're here for a reservation under Atty. Zhao?" Liu Bai said with confidence.

The waiter seemed to have recognized the name and immediately led the two of them inside the ship. They went through a flight of stairs and passed a few cabin doors. They stopped in front of a double doors and Xueyue couldn't help but think if the entire ship was actually reserved by her two generals.

"Atty. Zhao arrived five minutes ago and is now waiting for you inside." said the waiter.

"Thank you. Please tell the management to serve the meals in twenty minutes."

"Yes sir."

The waiter left and Xueyue only watched. She already decided to let Liu Bai handle things for her. At least until she could do it herself. She knew she was using Liu Bai's connections for herself, but that was only until she could handle things on her own.

The two entered the room. Xueyue eyed the lone figure sitting on one of the empty chairs around the round table. She couldn't help but smile. Even without the flaming red hair, scales on half of her body and the single horn on the middle of her forehead, Xueyue recognized the figure inside the room.

"Ceio!" she called.

The person in question perked up at the name and immediately glanced at their direction. Once she made eye contact with Xueyue, she couldn't help but smile. The moment the two entered the ship, she already knew who they were. The two's presence was something she had gotten herself familiar back in her old world.

Using swift movements, she got out of her seat in the blink of an eye and reappeared in front of Xueyue, kneeling in one knee.

"Your Majesty." she greeted.

"Stand up Ceio." replied Xueyue.



"Very well."

She stood up and stiffened once she saw the face of her former queen. She was even surprised when she was hugged by the said person.

"It's nice to see you again." said Xueyue in which Ceio smiled at. No matter her form, her queen would always be her queen.

"It's nice to see you again as well, Queen Euka."

"Call me Li Xueyue this time. I'm using that name now." Xueyue let go of her hug and pointed at Liu Bai. "And he's Liu Bai."

"That one I'm aware. Right now, I'm known as Zhao Chenyu, a lawyer." Chenyu handed her a business card with her name and the name of the law firm she was employed at.

"I see. That's good. Are you doing quite well here on earth?"

"It's been two thousand years your majesty, I'm doing quite well now."

"I told you, just call me Xueyue now."

"I… okay."

"You two." Liu Bai interrupted. "I can totally tell you completely forgot about me. How mean."

Xueyue and Chenyu couldn't help but shake their heads. Even though Liu Bai's previous identity, Khalil, was the strongest among the Black Sovereign's six generals, they still couldn't help their disbelief at his childish streak.

"Now, now Little Six." Xueyue called. "Stop pouting. Now let's discuss the reason why you arranged this meeting."

"Her majes- I mean, Xueyue has a point Liu Bai. You never told me you'd be bringing her."

Liu Bai was immediately pulled out of his pouting mode and asked the two to sit down.

"Right, Ceio, I mean, Atty. Zhao, have you done what I asked you?"

"Yes. I have the documents right here."

"What's going on?" Xueyue asked skeptically.

Liu Bai only grinned and gave her a folder. He told her to open it and she did. Once she read the title of the document she couldn't help but widen her eyes in shock.

"'Transfer of Shares'?" Xueyue questioned, a little shocked. Apparently Liu Bai gave her fifty-five percent of all his shares in every company and business he has connections with. "Don't you think people will get suspicious of this?"

"Don't worry. That's why I had Atty. Zhao handle it."