Chapter Six

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐱

𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫

Harry immediately left as soon as he dropped  off. I didn't mind, I just wish he would've told  me what was going on with him. 

I sighed before ringing the doorbell. A few  moments later, Andy, one of our club members opened the door for me. She informed me that Robin was out by the backyard and wanted to see me. 

I mumbled a thank you before heading out to the back. I quickly saw Robin talking to a guy. A familiar raven haired boy. My eyes widened in shock as the guy turned around. 

"What's she doing here?" Rhys sneered. He looked surprised and annoyed to see me here.

"Trust me, Montecillio, I'm just as surprised as you are." I mumbled, narrowing my eyes at him.

"AJ, this is my new assistant manager." Robin  introduced, enthusiastically. "I believe you two are in the same class." 

I nodded. "We are." I answered. "So, Andy told me that you were looking for me, what's up?" 

"Sleeping quarters." Robin said, handing me a paper what looks like the sleeping arrangements of the night. 

I frowned, noticing my room was in between  Robin's and Rhys'. I glanced at Robin who gave me an apologetic smile. 

"Don't look at me like that, Ali. Harry was the  one who requested it since he doesn't trust most of the boys here." Robin explained. 

"And he trusts him?" I asked. "Nice bloody judgement, Harrison." I huffed. "Can I head up  to my room now? I still need to finish a few assignments before dinner."

Robin nodded. "Sure. I'll come with you." he  muttered before we walked back inside. 

"Mind explaining why Montecillio is here?" I  asked, curiously as we walked up the stairs.  

He furrowed his brows. "You don't know?" Robin asked.  

"Know what?"  

"AJ is my cousin." Robin said, casually.  

My eyes widened in shock. "Really?" I asked. "How can you be related to him? He's gloomy and dark, while you're bright and enthusiastic."  

He looked at me, the amusement from his face was evident as he smiled. "Our mothers are sisters. Besides, AJ isn't always like that."  he answered. "Any other questions?"

My lips curled up into a smile. "I need help with calculus."  

Robin scoffed. "You are on your own, Walker." he  said, stopping in front of what I think to be my room. "I'll be downstairs. You can work on  your assignments there. I'll let you know  when dinner is ready." he said before walking  away.  

"Wow." I whispered to myself as I entered the  room I was occupying. It was big, bigger than my room back at home. The walls were coloured peach which was actually cute. The king size bed was placed at the side of the room, with a bedside table besides it. It's safe to say that Robin is rich.  

Thank God I have my own bathroom.  

I placed my bag of books on top of the desk that was facing the window. I began to pull out my  books, binder, and pens. After doing so, I plugged in my earphones before I wore them and began to play music. 

It has been an hour now and I'm already starving, but I have to wait since Robin said he'll come and find me. Besides, I still have calculus to worry about.  

I began to hum to the song I was listening to as I stood up and stretched. My eyes widened in shock as I saw Rhys sitting on my bed whilst playing with his phone.  

I removed my earphones before speaking. "What on earth are you doing here?"  

"Dinner's ready." he answered without looking at me. "I've been trying to get your attention for about ten minutes now. You can't hear me because you were so focused on our calculus assignment."  Rhys said, nonchalantly as he spared me a glance.  

I frowned. "You've been here for ten minutes and you didn't bother to pull me out of here and eat dinner?" 

"You were busy," he answered. "And the last time I walked up behind you, you sprayed perfume in my face, which hurt by the way. Not letting that happen again." Rhys grunted as he stood up.  "Let's go. I want to eat." he announced before leaving me in my room.  

I huffed, grabbing my phone before following him downstairs. My club mates were already eating. They gestured to me to take a seat and I did. I sat in between Robin and Joanna.  

"Where were you? We've been waiting fo—"  

"Walker, can you pass me the chicken?" Rhys  asked, cutting Joanna off.  

"I got it." Robin said, grabbing the plate of  roasted chicken and handing it to Rhys. "Here  you go, dearest cousin." Robin smirked, causing Rhys to roll his eyes.  

Dinner went by quicker than I thought. The  helpers of the house were the one who cleaned up as we went to the living room to discuss a few things for tomorrow. 

"So, we'll wake up around three in the morning tomorrow to cook. Andy and Matt will be in charge of the kitchen tomorrow. " Robin announced. "We'll  refreshen up before we leave. Callie, have  anything else to add?"  

"Yes. These are the duties of everyone for  tomorrow. They'll change everytime we do this  program." I said before handing out the papers of the chores for tomorrow. "This way everyone has something to do."  

Robin gave me a nod. "Alright, everyone. That's all for tonight. We'll see each other in the morning." Robin said, letting them go upstairs before he faced me. "Nice job. Nice touch on the organization, Ali." Robin praised. 


"Thanks." I grinned. "I always organize. It makes things easier."  

Rhys snorted. "A little too much organizing,  don't you think, Ali?"  

I looked at him in disgust. "Don't call me Ali.  It sounds weird when it comes out of your mouth, Montecillio." 

He smirked. "What words do you want to come out  of my mouth, Walker?"  

I shrugged. "Callie or Walker is fine, but, you  don't get to call me Ali." I stated. "Good night." I smiled brightly at the two of them before heading upstairs.  

I sighed, laying on top of the bed as I pulled  out my phone from my pockets. I scrolled through the messages and one particular message caught  my attention.  

𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 :  

Hey. Sorry I couldn't talk to you in a while. I'll see you at Christmas. Maybe. Talk to you  soon, little sis. 

I frowned. I haven't talked to Carter in a year.  He's been really busy traveling around the world ever since he graduated law school. 

Cole is the oldest among us, followed by Carter. A year later, Connor was born and seven years later, I was born. The house was always so chaotic due to the fact that my Cole and Carter always compete with each other and sometimes Connor would join and they'd get scolded by mom.  

𝐓𝐨 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫:  

Hope you can make it to Christmas. I'll see you  soon  

Hearing my phone rang woke me up from my  slumber. I yawned before answering the phone without looking at the caller ID. I rubbed my eye, trying to keep myself awake.  

"Hello?" I asked, groggily.  

"Hi, is this Calistine Walker?" the man from  the other line asked. 

"Yes, this is she. Who is this?" I asked, my  brows slightly furrowed.  

"My name is Dr. Marks. You were listed as Mr.  Harry Lincoln's emergency contact."