
It was just another day of struggling to make a living in the huge city. I walked through the bustling street, worried about how I am going to pay my rent. I had already been fired from several jobs that I was able to find.

Dropping out of college didn't work out in my favor. With less money to keep me afloat, I had also withdrawn from the online classes I had joined.

The thought of returning to my rented one-room apartment didn't appeal to me. The owners weren't that nice either. I had no contacts, no one to help me. I had only shot today and I hoped it wouldn't get completely ruined.

I had been surprised to receive an email back but I didn't question my luck. If anything, I needed more luck to pull this interview off.

I entered the huge corporate building where I had applied for the job of receptionist. There was already a whole lot waiting in the lobby. The sleek building was constructed mostly with glass and almost had 60 floors. I was sure my jaws were hanging as I entered in awe.

Everyone was dressed impeccably, not a hair out of place. I took one of the chairs away from the other women who had come for an interview.

I looked down at the old formal clothes that I had managed to salvage for the interview yet it made me feel out of place. The looks I got were nothing short of disgust. I didn't let it deter me. I took in a deep breath and braced myself.

Well, here goes nothing.

A couple of hours later, I rushed out of the building, my cheeks flushed in embarrassment, and my eyes filled with tears. My hair hid most part of my eyes as I tried to calm myself. I walked mindlessly, not paying attention to what street I was in.

To say the interview went bad would be an understatement. I hadn't even gotten two words out before I was dismissed. Arrogant jerks. I shouldn't have applied to this big of a company anyway.

The moment they had looked down at me, I knew I wouldn't be getting the job but I had hoped to at least get interviewed. I clutched my phone tightly, anger replacing my embarrassment.

I almost dropped my phone when it vibrated. Confused, I opened it up to look at a strange message appearing from a random messenger game I had downloaded the previous night.

Sadly, I had no one to text and I downloaded it in a desperate attempt to make myself feel a little less lonely. Maybe another level has been unlocked...?

When I clicked on the app, I was surprised when it redirected me to another chatroom. Instead of options, I could actually type. What the-

When someone pushed me from behind, I almost tripped over myself before recovering. A hooded figure passed over me without a backward glance. Jerk. I cursed him before turning my attention back to my phone.

User: Hey, can you see this?

Alayna: Who is this?

User: I am sure you're surprised but I need help.

Alayna: I am not sure how I can be of any help. I thought this was a game for texting "pretty boys"

User: I can't say I am not pretty but I found a phone and the only app it had was this one.

Alayna: Maybe the phone is broken...? You should probably hand it over to the police or something.

User: There's no guarantee of it getting delivered to its rightful owner. I will send you the location saved.

User: (location)

I was contemplating deleting the app but my curiosity didn't allow me to. I opened up the link, hoping it wasn't some type of virus.

To my utter surprise, the location was right here only a few blocks away, though I wasn't going to let the stranger know. A few months ago, I wouldn't have been contemplating even going to her place. What did she have to lose anyway?

Alayna: I still don't know what I am supposed to do.

User: Just go to the address and write a note so the owner of the phone would know.

Alayna: And why can't you do it?

User: I am a university student. I am afraid I can't skip my classes. Besides I am sure you are near the location.

Alayna: Fine, I will write a note but if I find something strange I am leaving.

User: Thank you ^^

I walked a couple more blocks before reaching the location. It was an apartment tucked between two other buildings. I walked up the small set of stairs.

The logical part of me was already regretting my decision and urged me to delete the app and move on. I would never know why I didn't pay attention to that voice. Maybe it would have saved me.

Alayna: I am here

User: Good, is there a lock?

Alayna: I am not going into a stranger's apartment

User: I insist, you will be safe, just a note and you can leave.

I was thoroughly spooked. Writing a note and sliding it through the small space beneath the door wasn't that bad but trespassing into someone else's apartment didn't feel right.

Alayna: I am not entering. I don't want to get into trouble. I am leaving.

"Not too soon" I blinked, realizing I didn't get that message from the app, instead it was a voice. I swallowed hard and tried to calm myself. It was probably the owner of the apartment.

I turned to look at the hooded man- the same one that pushed just minutes ago. The hood was drawn back revealing a surprisingly young yet tortured face.

"Who are you?" I asked, backing away from him. Shit, he blocked the way out and walked toward me. I made a run for it to the other side and abruptly stopped when I realized I was blocked on both ends.

"Get away from me" my voice shook. My back hit the wall. He only grinned sardonically, closing in on me. His deft fingers caressed my cheeks, his nails almost digging into my skin.

A fear I had never known filled me and consumed me. I was shaking, the panic making me dizzy.

"You should have listened to me but now I had to take you to where you belong. I have always wanted a toy. Maybe you will be mine" he whispered in my ears.

I jerked my face away from his hands, trying to put as much distance as possible. I tried to punch him but his reflexes were faster. He shifted both of my hands to one of his and used his other hand to close my mouth.

"Now listen here, airhead. You are my assistant now" he whispered, watching me struggle with a smirk. He had my hands behind my back in an instant and turned me to face him, my face against the wall.

"The moment you try anything funny, you will be punished" he warned, leading me toward the apartment. He ducked into an alley between the apartment.

I walk compliantly. assessing my surroundings. My brain was in a frenzy while I tried to figure out a way to escape this dire situation. Fear had closed my senses and my heart was thumping loud.

When he eased on the tight grip he had on me, I kicked his shin. I used the distraction to pull myself out of his arms. I started running the other way as fast as I could, aware of him gaining in on me.

"Come on, come on" I whispered to myself. I had finally reached the street. Before I could take a left, arms wrapped around me, halting my progress. Panic filled me as I thrashed and opened my mouth in a scream.

"Let me go" I cried out, tears filling my eyes. Once he took me wherever he wanted to, there was no guarantee of my safety.

He could do anything to me and nobody would know. Nobody would care.

"Please" I begged as he dragged me back. I could have been talking to an empty wall. The man paid no heed to my struggle and neither did the neighborhood I was in.

"Stop the damn waterworks" he snapped one of his hands, closing my mouth as all the fighting left me. I shuddered in fear and uncertainty. Weirdly, there was nothing running through my head. No thought or no person I had to get back to.

I was resigned to my fate, whatever that might be. He pushed me to the back of his car and tied my hands and legs and gagged me. I let out a small scream when he blindfolded me.

"Shh," he warned, his fingers digging into my arms before closing the door behind me and driving me away from my life. And that was when I knew- I was caught in something I could never escape from.