Chapter Three

“THIS is yummy!” Etel exclaimed while licking the vanilla ice cream in cone.

“Why did you escape?”

“What?” Etel looked at Lucifer questioningly.

Lucifer’s green eyes bore on her brown ones. “Why did you escape?”

She shrugged. “Why do you think dogs don’t want to be caged?”

“I know, I get it, but their lives are not at stake. Yours is.”

“Well, I’d like to be practical…”

“Then, why’d you do it?” Etel looked at him; curiosity was visible on his crumpled yet handsome face.

She squinted her eyes at him. “Why do you want to know?”

“…Because I’m curious.”

Oh, blunt.

Etel then cocked her head to the side with a smile on her face. She sighed and looked outside the 7-eleven they’re in.

The road is busy; cars are everywhere, people are passing by, some have families, some are couples, and most were singles.

“I hate being alone,” she answered, quickly taking Lucifer’s attention. “No matter how strong I can be, being alone makes me weak.”

“Ah, you like socializing, okay.”

“What? That’s it?”

Confused, he looked at her. “What do you mean?”

“Won’t you… I don’t know, be amazed or something?”

Lucifer then, scoffed. “Why would I praise someone for having a personality, right?”

“True, true,” Etel commented. “But I’m being brave right now, so I have to be praised for that.”

“Okay, that’s amazing.” Etel isn’t sure if she should be happy or not. Lucifer’s “compliment” to her sounds cold and bland but at the same time, he commanded her wish.

She just smiled even if half of it is fake.

And somehow, it bothered Lucifer. “Do not smile when you don’t feel like it.” He lifted his hand and used his thumb and middle finger to narrow her smile.

Etel pouted and looked away. Oh gosh, that gesture… that gesture made her feel butterflies in her stomach! She couldn’t remember when the last time she felt those kinds of feelings is; it must have been years? Good thing, this just proves that she’s still a functioning woman after all those years of study.

A brief silence coated their surroundings before Etel started talking again. “Are you okay now?” She was pertaining to what happened days ago.

“How about you; are you okay?” Her mouth gaped open as Lucifer reversed her question towards her.

“Why don’t you answer me first? C’mon, Luci, I am bored here!”

“If you’re bored, then go back.”


“Then behave,” there was a hint of scolding in his voice.

Etel rolled her eyes. “I’m not a child,” she reasoned.

“Then stop acting like one.”

“I just want to have a conversation, it’s not that bad!”

Lucifer shrugged. “I don’t like talking.”

“Then why are you here?”

“I’m one of your guards.”

Etel’s eyes widened upon hearing what he said. She was about to run away when Lucifer pulled the loose fabric of her top. She stopped walking and looked back at him questioningly.

“Do not leave,” he said without looking at her.

“Why do you think I would obey you?

“Remember when you asked me how could you pay me back for my deed? Well, this is it; don’t leave.”

Etel pouted and nonchalantly sat beside him, she had come with the peace of mind to accept her defeat— a defeat which she could benefit— Etel couldn’t help but shake her head, even though she’s “paying him back”, it is still about protecting her.

If money is what she’s in debt to Lucifer, Etel would probably be broke right now. What he’s doing for her is too much! And she couldn’t do anything but accept it because if she continued being stubborn, everything would result in nothing.

Black, smooth, silky strands of hair were cascading through her head as she frustratedly scratched her hair. Etel couldn’t ignore the fact that her life is now at stake and she doesn’t even know the reason why.

One day she was enjoying her trip to the grocery store and the next day someone was trying to end her life.

Oh, how fuck her life could get? A lone tear escaped her right eye, and she wouldn’t be able to notice it until Lucifer wiped it off. She looked up at him, even at her vulnerable state.

“This would end, right?”

Lucifer gave her an assuring look. “Yes, it will.”

Her heartbeat calmed even though she knew… she knew it wouldn’t make her sleep peacefully at night at all.

“WHY are we here?”

“I’m taking you back to the precinct,” Lucifer replied.

Deep frown was visible on her face as she looked at the serious yet downright gorgeous man beside her. “But—…”

“No, I won’t let them bring you back to your “jail”; I will talk to Judas about.”

“Really?” Etel asked, eyes shining brightly like the clouded sun overhead.

“Really,” he said in a sure tone.

She couldn’t help but break a smile on her face. Etel threw her hands to a tight embrace with Lucifer out of showing gratitude. He then gently tapped her back in a way of saying “you’re welcome”.

They let go from the hug and that’s when Etel sniffles; unable to control the emotion that’s washing over her. “Thank you,” she muttered while trying to wipe her clogged nose.

He, on the other hand, did not answered but just taps Etel’s head while the other one’s in the pocket. It was an awkward yet warming scene for Lucifer. It was clear that he doesn’t how to act but one thing was inside his mind.

He doesn’t like seeing Etel cry.

“Etelvina!” a familiar worrying voice of her Aunty Ace invaded Etel’s ears. She was caught off guard when they started rushing towards her. Both Aunty Ace and Acee threw their bodies to pull her closer to them; opening their arms wide open as they eloped for a hug.

“Oh, what a lost child, you are! Where did you go?” her aunty exclaimed.

But Etel was lost to her own world— thinking what chaos she caused again because of a selfish reason— that she couldn’t pronounce a word.

Then Aunty Ace cupped her face; pulling her out of reverie. She blinked enumerable times.

“I’m… I’m sorry, Aunty, I shouldn’t have done that.” Her voice was full of regret.

“I want to say that it’s okay but we both know it isn’t. You shouldn’t have done that, someone’s trying to kill you and they are still out there, are you even thinking?!”

Etel looked around; looking at the people she troubled for her act. She couldn’t help but feel a warm air suffocating her, a warm set of tears from the corner of her eyes started to blur her vision, her breathing ragged as her heart together with her lungs were feeling like something grabbed onto it tightly.

“I… I…”

Her aunt threw her hands to pat her back, trying to calm her when she burst tears.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry… I’m…” She gasped for air. “I’m… s-sorry…”

“Shush, we get it. Please, honey, don’t cry. We will get through this.”

Head nodding enumerable times, she sobs on top of her Aunty Ace’s shoulder until she couldn’t take it anymore.

“I’M NOT SURE if what you asked will be granted.”

“What?!” she exclaimed, face crumpled and head shaking in disbelief.

Lucifer crossed his arms in front of his chest, looking at her hopelessly. “Judas hasn’t returned my messages but he called earlier and asked me to escort you here, to his penthouse.”

“So? Where is he now?!”

She didn’t mean to shout, it just came out. Etel was so stressed after that day that it was hard for her to contain her emotions.

“I’m sorry, Luci, I’m just not in the right place right now.”

“Well, I can see that.”

“It’s okay, Madam Etel.” Etel almost jumped off her seat after hearing Detective Judas’s soothing voice. He walked towards her and wrapped his trench coat over her shoulders. “Sorry I kept you waiting.”

Rolling her eyes, Etel removed the trench coat and gave it back to the owner. Confusion was visible on Detective’s face. She smiled sweetly at Lucifer.

“I like leather jackets more.”

Lucifer just frowned at her before walking past her, inside the penthouse.

On the other hand, Detective Judas whistled before chuckling. She shoots daggers at him making him laugh more.

She roamed her eyes around the penthouse as soon as she stepped her foot inside. Etel couldn’t help but gape her mouth open. Seeing the Detective’s penthouse that has a great color combination of Gunmetal gray and dirty white made her want to live in it. It was neither small nor big, the size’s enough for one to two people.

The white marble floor complimented the gunmetal gray wall. The gray sofa and transparent coffee table made the place look more cozy and pleasing to their eyes. On the left side, there are two doors that Etel would bet are the master’s bedroom and the guest room. And the right side contains the kitchen and the dining room.

“Nice place you have,” she commented.

“Thank you, Madam Etel, but this will be your place too from now on.”

Her eyes widened. “What do you mean?”

“You’ll have to stay with me. I talked to the General and he agreed to Lucifer’s proposal. And I quote he says, “It was not safe at their house, but your penthouse is. You have your walls are bulletproof and even your glass! Maybe even your roof but I don’t know. But what I am sure of is, she’s safe in your penthouse.” Yes, he said that what a shameless bastard. So, whether you like it or not, Madam Etel, you’re stuck with me.”

Her heart did a somersault. She couldn’t contain her happiness— Just like how she couldn’t contain her emotion that’s building up.

“Are you kidding me? That’s great! Then, that means I don’t have to stay alone like I’m sort of a killing psychotic patient…”

The detective lay his head low. “I’m sorry you feel like that. But don’t worry, you’ll just be treated here like a psychotic patient.”

“How dare you!”

He laughed. “I’m just joking, by the way, I already informed your aunty about this and—”

A loud bang filled Etel’s ear, interrupting Detective Judas. She felt her eyes dilated and her heart was pounding erratically, tears started swelling in the corner of her eyes and she used her hands to cover her head— to protect herself from being pierced by the bullet she heard just earlier. She lashes out a shuddering scream as someone cupped her face.

The Detective’s face welcomed her sight. He was rubbing the tears that were cascading down her cheeks while whispering some things. He was obviously trying to calm her down but nothing seemed to register inside her mind.

“No!” She screamed while shaking her head in fear. “I’m gonna die…”

“No, you’re not, Madam Etel,” Detective Judas’s soothing voice is helping for a bit but it is still not enough as the crash— the bang keeps on repeating on her mind and ears.

“Look, look, it’s not a bullet. It’s just the vase,” he said while showing her the broken pieces of the vase.

He was right, it was just a vase. She was just overreacting.

“You’re not overreacting,” hearing Luci’s voice, she looked up. He gave her a smile but it didn’t reach his eyes before wrapping the leather jacket around her shoulder. “I heard you like this more.”

“You can do this, Madam Etel, we’re gonna help you find a therapist. You cannot live like this— in fear and we’re gonna help you surpass this.”

Still sobbing, Etel thought that he was right. She shouldn’t live like this. And she will help to find that guy just to finish this investigation as soon as possible.