Birthed from coffins, picturesque.
Couple days of ignorance, shining bliss.
woken slumber, half lasting bloom.
Let out of the clouds from the gates I opened beneath me.
It is no easy task to achieve sanity through our fall, even more, to come back from sanity.
I can't be normal, content with happiness, I have to change, I have to change the world with me.
Dreams of being vomited from the crying tongued sky. So fast past the raindrops, they tear holes through my body, why should I care, I will hit the end regardless, as the open maw waiting at the bottom, eyes of teeth and black gullet mirror of the sky I fall through.
Make everything I see the way I want to see it.
I guess ill keep trying.
What do you want paradise to ask you?
raping the world of all,
unlike the rest of the people on this planet,
May I fall again.