Chapter 1

12:00 am in a training facility

Pacing could be heard as a man with hair as red as blood and eyes as green as emerald balanced on a chair like the news in front of him was nearly child's play. The other next to him with hair as dark as night and eyes as blue as the sea took it a little too seriously as he continued to pace, before giving up and sitting back down. Tension could be seen in his shoulders as he began to speak slowly "You almost got shot twice, in one day"

"It wasn't anything too risky, the ones after me are petty at best"

"What happens to the day you can no longer defend yourself Hajun. No matter how grand you are, you can't always save yourself at the nick of time!" exploded the other man finally being at his wits end at the indifference in Hajun's expression.

"I am doubling the amount of body guards you have"

"I don't need them"

"Hajun" said the fuming man in exasperation.

"No matter what you say I wont double the amount of body guards I have on me but I will get extra protection"

"And how will you do that"

"By getting a man worth 20"


1pm in a house in Gyeonggi-do.

So Do-yun's P.O.V

A lot has happened since I got my teaching license, I have been bouncing from town to town as a substitute teacher but finally I am going to be a full time teacher with excitement I put on some black slacks, a nice button down shirt, a tie and my ID card. I was just about to put on my shoes when I heard my doorbell ring. Thinking nothing of it I quickly went to open the door only to see five huge men by the door, each more intimidating than the next.

"Uhm can I help you" I said using the door as a shield

"We are looking for Seo doyun" said goon number 1, at least I think he is goon number one with the huge body and the stone cold face. The other two look skinny compared to the first one but can be easily differentiated with both of them having scars on opposite sides of their cheek and different hair styles maybe I will call one punk rock and the other heavy metal. I cant really see the other two but I will call one baldhead and the other sunshades guy.

"Oh really? you just missed him. He is such a nasty roommate always leaving his things around and making a mess everywhere like what a pig right?" I said praying and hoping that they bought it. I was just about to safely finish my act by giving them a bullshit excuse till goon 1 rudely interrupted me.

"You don't have a roommate though" he said with what would have been an intimidating grin, if I hadn't compared him to the hulk once or twice. I quickly shut the door on his face and I would have gotten away with it too, if not for his meddling foot he used to stop the door from closing shut! He pushed his way into the house followed by his goons and I was surrounded in my own house, like who does that?

Immediately I was grabbed on my left side, I quickly stomped on the foot of sunshades guy and finished him off with an upper cut. I quickly grabbed heavy metal and lifted myself enough to slam my feet into the bald one causing him to topple over and allowing me to grab the hand of heavy metal and dislocating it while he was distracted. I hit the ribs of punk rock and I was about to go further before I was grabbed by the neck and slammed to the floor by goon 1. He put all his weight on me causing me to lose air in my lungs. Struggling to escape I hit the center table in the room causing the vase on top of it to roll over and hit goon 1 right in the head. Not letting the opportunity slip, I quickly got up and delivered a spinning kick to his temple causing him to knock out. I barely had time to get up before a knife whizzed by me, I looked around only to find out that it was punk rock struggling to get up, I quickly knocked him out and straightened my clothes fully intending on reporting the scene when I get to the police station, only to go out of my house and be hit on the head with a wooden bat.

I woke up feeling cold and placed my hand flat on a surface discretely to confirm if I was lying on a metal table, only to feel hard wood on my skin confirming the cold to be from the environment and not the surface. Mummuring began to get closer as I steadied my heartbeat and waited for the voices to approach me but before I could react, I heard a voice that I haven't heard in years.

Opening my eyes I was met with a smile as conniving as a fox, eyes as mischievous as the devil's and hair as red as blood.