Chapter 4

I immediately left Hana in the hospital, went straight into his room and began to remove all the flowers. I checked the air conditioner to see if the smell was coming from there but there wasn't any trace of it. The smell was still thick in the air even after I aired the room out. I began to walk around his room and immediately I stepped in the vicinity of his bed post, I almost gagged at the smell. I continued to sniff around till I smelt his bedsheets.

How could he sleep on this? It smelt strongly of almonds!.

I went to the laundry room to check if the fabric softener smelt like that but it wasn't it either, leading me to a horrible suspicion.


It has been 6 hours, 6 long hours and nobody has told me what was wrong. Everybody I had asked was too in a hurry to answer me and worry is eating me up. Immediately we got to the hospital, he was taken away by his personal doctor and was immediately transferred to his private ward. I was told to wait here but I could feel my patience run thin.

I had already relayed the message to daeshim and his agents are currently checking out to see what happened but they seem to be having no luck, so they are trying his office next. I would like nothing more but to continue my investigation by myself but I can't get the image of his pale skin and blood out of my mind, I need to know that he is okay or I might just go insane.

As I was about to lose it, the doctor finally came out.

"How is he" I immediately asked

"He is finally stable after losing a lot of blood,he was at the verge of death since his cells were spontaneously getting destroyed by a poisonous gas called hydrogen cyanide."

I already knew what had caused it but I hoped and prayed that it wasn’t it. Hydrogen cyanide is a poisonous gas used in the gas chamber of the USA prisons in 1980. It bound to the iron in the blood cells and cut them off, removing their ability to transfer oxygen through out the body. It was a silent but deadly gas used to kill people and because it smelled like almonds it was made harder to detect. It was banned later in the years because it was an inhumane way of killing people but this person still had the resources to get it?


"Hana I am back" I said with a smile.

"Oh! Welcome, how is hajun doing?" she asked worriedly.

" Not very good, he hasn't even woke up yet" I said solemnly.

"Oh!" She said with sorrow etched into her face.

"You look pale have u eaten yet?"

"I haven’t been able to eat anything yet" she said painfully

"I thought so, that is why I bought some food. Do you want a taste?" I offered politely.

"Thank you, you truly are a blessing" she aid already digging into the food.

I watched her eat while talking about what was happening to Hajun. She seemed greatly pained by it. She is a great actor isn't she? After a few minutes into the food she began to cough out blood while I calmly continued to eat my food.

"Do you know the greatest thing about technology nowadays, I can track your records and movements without being close to you. Pretty handy right? considering people just love sneaking around" I said calmly

"You did a great job hiding it though considering that I watched you like a hawk once I first got here, but I guess I am really loosing my touch" I said walking over to her.

Her grandfather used to work in the military long ago and was considered one of the strongest men back then, of course with influence like that it was not a wonder how she was able to get her hands on hydrogen cyanide since some people still use it illegally to kill an enemy. Furthermore her mother used to be an assassin and her specialization was poisonous flowers. How a person like this got close to daeshim is a surprise but I guess we will come to that later. For now, I just need to restrain her for further questioning.

"You have such a good eye Doyun but it’s already too late-" she said while wheezing.

“What do you mean” I said crushing her hand in my grip

"Who told you I wasn't the decoy" immediately she said that, a bullet came out of seemingly nowhere and lodged itself into her skull.

Shocked, I paused for a moment but I had no time to think, she wasn't the only one meaning that her accomplice in this was already in the hospital with hajun and right now hajun comes first.

4:55pm in the hospital, Hajun's P.O.V

I heard footsteps coming towards my door and half expected it to be hajun but that changed when I heard the voices.

"So all we need to do is to poison his IV right?" I heard someone whisper.

"Although I don't know why we just can't kill him right away since he can't even lift a finger with the state he is in" another whispered.

"Orders are orders" said voice number 3

The footsteps continued till they reached my bedside. I opened my eyes just a little to see what they were doing and immediately they injected it into the IV I removed the needle stuck in my arm and jabbed it in the first one's neck causing him to wail and fall on the floor limp.

The other two hearing the noise came to check out what happened before noticing that I was awake and charging at me but before they could reach me I heard movement from the corner of the room making me smile because in no time they were both down with Doyun standing over them.

"My knight in shining armor" I mocked with a smile on my face while he just muttered something about me being better to deal with while I was asleep but I knew he didn’t mean it, like who could possibly hate me?

"Last I checked you weren't a princess."

"But you will still save me anyway"

"Try not to give me any more heart attacks you fucking idiot"

"You more than anyone knows that I wouldn’t die like that"

"Good because the world needs an annoying jerk like you” he said fixing my hair.

"Glad your back numbskull" he said with a grin and got off me as daeshim's agent began to fill in the room. They had to double the security to make sure this incident never happens again and I had to rest for at least three more days to regain my strength completely.