Chapter 6

The days go by in a haze as we prepare for the second anniversary of Hajun's orphanage home.

He built it in the first year he became a council member and it has continued to grow ever since. It was also one of the reasons why people are in so much support of Hajun because despite being young, he was competent, kind and caring, he did not hesitate to give back to to the people and the people loved him for that.

We were supposed to meet his campaign staff today and I was practically walking in blindfolded. He refused to give me any information on them and even forbade me of doing my own research saying that It would be better to see them first before drawing a conclusion, giving me a bad feeling about this but I am sure nobody can be worse than Hajun.

We got to his office and before I could sit a knock sounded through the room. I immediately got back up checked the mirror as I walked past and put on my best smile. Ready to give a good impression, I opened the door only to be hit with.

“Why hello beautiful, does your feet hurt because you have been running through my mind all day” stunned I could only help but stare at the blonde by the door.

"You must be from Tennessee because you're the only ten I see"

repulsed I did not even know when I shut the door on him. Hajun rolled around laughing, seeing my bewildered expression made Hajun laugh to the point that he was almost wheezing, he was even filming the whole thing!. I was about to say less than kind words when the door burst open revealing the man with blonde hair and sea green eyes.

He was trying to act all sexy with him leaning on the door frame with a rose in his mouth, where did that rose even come from? I walked away as quickly as I could while he continued to follow me around with more pick up lines. I was about to lose it when another man stepped in with hair of orange and eyes of yellow, followed by a shorter man with chocolate hair and big brown eyes. The taller man only had to take a look at me before sighing and shaking his head.

"Leave him alone sung-ho anyone can tell that he is a guy."

“What do you mean” said the blonde guy looking lost while simultaneously trying to play spot the difference on my profile.

“I am sorry about him he likes chasing anything he deems beautiful” he said while extending his hand.

“Not to worry if anything it was more amusing than disturbing” I said while taking his hand.

“I am Han Suk-chin, the person behind me is Choi Chung-hee and as you have already met the idiot over there. He is Park Sung ho. He isn’t always like that”

“Next to you maybe” muttered the small man with a scoff. “He chases anything that moves!” he said while pointing accusingly to Sung ho.

“And while this is a lovely conversation” Hajun said while clapping his hands.

“I would like to introduce you to one of my closest friends, So Doyun”

“Oh you mean the friend you suckered into doing your bidding” exclaimed Chung hee causing me to give him a side ways stare.

"Oh the one you have been purposely pestering all the time" said Suk-chin causing Hajun to back away slowly from me. Before I could think of ways to murder him, another knock sounded through the room and in walked in a woman with platinum blonde hair and silver eyes. She was absolutely stunning and carried herself with so much confidence that I couldn’t help but stare.

“It’s nice of you to finally join us Ayeong”

“I would be here sooner if not for the terrible traffic, besides it’s only customary that a man waits for a woman isn’t it” she said with a satisfied huff causing Chung hee to scoff and causing her to scowl but before she could pounce on him, Hajun cleared his throat and introduced me to her as well causing her to straighten up and flip her hair.

“Hi I am Ayeong nice to meet you”.

Venue of Hajun’s orphanage party.

“Move the chairs a little, the arrangement must fit the décor of the room” barked an interior designer to her staff.

I was here to oversee the setup of the venue since Hajun was far too busy overseeing the general affairs of the party.

I was just strolling through the perimeter when I saw Sung-ho running after Ayeong once again. He would hit her with heavy pick up lines while she returns with equally as heavy ones till it gets irritating and she chases him away with something next to her which so happens to be an umbrella at the moment.

The people around Hajun right now are so full of life that I can’t help but feel happy for happy for him. Han Suk-chin is always butting heads with him, chung hee is always making comments under his breath, ayeong is like a whirlwind and Sung-ho is a skirt chasing bastard.

After everything he has gone through, he deserves this kind of happiness. I only pray that I didn’t bring back bad memories.