Chapter 9

People began to shove and push past me as I ran back inside to look for Hajun.

Immediately I stepped in the doors slammed shut, people tried to pull or push it backwards but nothing happened, the lights dimmed while the projector in the middle of the room began to project a countdown of 5 seconds. When the countdown displayed 0 the scene switched to a news channel.

“We are live at the scene of what seems to be a terrorist attack on sky tower. It’s 7th floor is on fire and seems to spreading at a steady rate. It is chaos here as everyone seems to be doing everything they can to get away from the building. Fire fighters are being blocked by the amount of cars that are driving out of sky tower, evacuation seems to be the top priority for everyone at the moment.” Said a female reporter.

“People are still up there” yelled a familiar voice

“People are still up there and they are locked shut. The door won’t budge no matter how much we pull it.” Panted another familiar voice.

Another tremor rang through the building and by the panic seen on the reporter’s face, it was bad.

“The fire has suddenly spread and is coming towards the fourth floor at an alarming rate. The firefighters are making headway and are about to-” the projector switched off at that moment, raising more panic in the room as people began to get more desperate.

I spotted Hajun and han suk chin trying to calm the people down but saw no signs of park sung-ho, Ayeong and Choi Chung-hee. Even lee bora and her twin where also missing. The people refused to calm down, they were too desperate and fueled by the will to live to care about other people and if care was not taken they would do something drastic but before it could escalate the projector turned on again and a disembodied voice rang through the speakers.

“Good evening to our wonderful first class guests especially our guest of honor Kim Si woo. How did you enjoy our lovely surprise? Explosive wasn’t it,but that's not why we are here. We are here to talk about our lovely guest of honor Kim Si woo.” The voice said, then paused for dramatic effect drawing the gazes of the confused and desperate people towards the man in question. The stares began to get more uncomfortable, the longer the voice kept quite causing the man in question to fidget in place.

“You have 10 minutes to confess about what really happened to the orphanage home built by you in baegwon-ro.” the voice said before the projector began timing and the ventilator began to bring in hot air. The projector played another scene from the news channel.

“We have just been informed by an inside source that old assembly man Kim Si woo had been told to confess about the accident that happened 10 years ago when he was still an assembly man. His orphanage suddenly caught on fire the night after he was elected for his fifth tenor and since then no news was said about the orphanage”

The projector went dead and the temperature began to get unbearably hot, the longer Kim Si woo kept quite causing chaos to erupt as people rushed towards him to get him to confess.

I began to tap the walls to find a hallow sounding place not reinforced with concrete either on expansion of this room or from poor handy work of the builders.

I was joined by Hajun who located me through the chaos. We worked quickly and quietly but it was hard to hear over the chaos all around us. People just kept screaming at Kim Si woo to confess causing the old man to cover his ears in pain.

We kept on going till we finally found it and immediately we did , I shot all the cameras surrounding the room before shooting the spot not reinforced by concrete, Hajun broke a table leg and used it to slam into it repeatedly till it finally broke apart causing people to push past us as they tried their hardest to escape.

The assassin this time was a hacker explaining why only the heating, the doors, the lighting and the projector were the ones being controlled. Sky tower is automated and has been said to have one of the best security showing how good this hacker was but why did he come for Kim Si woo and not Hajun who has been chased by assassins for months now. With their skills they could even attack Hajun’s building but they chose here to attack? Is this totally unrelated to the assassination attempts on Hajun.

Judging by the heat that surrounded us the moment we escaped, the fire had already made it’s way to the fifth floor, giving us no time to waste. I made sure to shoot the cameras every turn we took to stop the assassin from seeing our escape route, till we finally made it outside but we couldn’t have come out at the worst time, because right there in big bold letters read Kim Si woo is a murderer.

Protests rang out through the city ever since that night as people called for justice on Kim Si woo who at his time as assembly man used children as killers to secure his position. He used them to scare his opposition into backing out or killed them if they continued to persist. He cornered those who he could not beat and left those who were not a threat to him giving him the highest ratings in every single election and because of him, Hajun has been put under investigation.

Hajun was under suspicion of training the children in his orphanage to be child soldiers because of his association to Kim Si woo. It has been proven that they met multiple times but some of them were not planned and we're merely coincidence.

His orphanage has been watched and searched thoroughly for a week to find anything unusual but to no avail.

Just when things were finally coming down, a great roar filled the city of yongin-si. The children in Hajun’s orphanage were sick with what has been identified as lead poisoning. A nasty suspicion passed through the minds of everyone in that moment.

Hajun must have tried to kill the children to cover up his crime.