Chapter 19

Third person’s P.O.V.

A boy easily blended with the shadows as he walked behind a bodyguard in peace. He made sure to avoid security cameras by using the bodyguard as he shield till he got to his destination “ the restricted section”. Swiping the card that he had previously stolen from an oblivious scientist into a panel at the corner of the door, the door opened to a room that resembled a laboratory. Vials upon vials and drugs of different kinds lined the shelves along with bottled gasses like nitrogen, carbon monoxide and dibromide. Measuring cylinders, beakers and burette stands littered the room along with a lone computer located at the corner of the room. Already knowing that time was against him, he quickly walked to the computer and logged in.


“Do tell me why I have to be awaken from my sleep by you sneaking around” Hajun said in a dull voice causing Doyun to freeze like a dear caught in the headlights.