Chapter 26

Third person’s P.O.V.

Rapid footsteps could be heard as a man tried so hard to outrun his pursuers. They were too many of them and they seemed to be increasing by the minute. Pumped up on adrenaline he didn’t notice that his leg was bleeding leading his pursuers straight to him.

Hoping to lose them in an alleyway he turned a corner only to be met with eyes so empty that it looked like an abyss. The owner of those eyes wore a mask covering majority of their face except their mouth, they weren’t that tall and didn’t look all that strong but the eyes managed to keep the man on edge.

“I would have love to chase you for a little while longer but time is so fleeting isn’t it?” the figure said while tilting their head.

“It would have been so fun to see the despair on your face as you realized you called not escape but-" the figure stopped and looked at the sky in helplessness “priorities first I guess” the figure said blowing air out of its mouth.