Tae Joon-woo dragged back the curtains in So dohyun's room. Having nothing stopping it, the bright light shone into the room almost immediately causing So dohyun to blink blearily. He opened his eyes to glare at Tae Joon-woo who wasn't the least bit intimidated. Tae Joon-woo tossed his tablet to the bed.
“Choose one” he said, pointing to the tablet.
Blinking rapidly, So dohyun stretched his hands above his head. He lazily picked up the tablet only to be slapped in the face with numerous exercise manuals.
“We are going to try some relaxing exercises today since we are getting nowhere with those therapy sessions” hummed Tae Joon-woo as he brought in an air humidifier.
So dohyun groaned before scrolling through the exercises, as he scrolled he hummed as he struck out poses that he felt were too uncomfortable. He kept on scrolling until he found an easy one called sukhasana.