“What the hell is going on?!” yelled Han Suk-chin in panic but Park hajun didn't respond.
Hajun sat motionless with his back facing the monitors in the control room as all three of them looked at him in concern. He shook his head as he tried to come up with something to say to them but he couldn't think of anything to tell them. The silence stretched on, as hajun thought of what to say and his friends stood there watching him.
The silence was only broken when Chul Donghyun burst through the doors to the control room.
“Sir, they are asking for you.” Chul Donghyun said, referring to the crowd downstairs.
Snapped out of his daze, hajun straightened himself up, fixed his hair and walked out with his normal confidence and charisma.
His friends watched him leave in silence until Park Sungho addressed the elephant in the room.
“He’s being blackmailed isn't he?” Park Sungho said calmly.