I didn't know since when I fell asleep, but the announcement from the flight attendant was enough to wake me up. Vaguely, I listened still with my eyes closed and this damn body that didn't want to move an inch.

My hand grasped to the side and felt the edge of my side which was empty. Where's Barra? My eyes slowly opened and saw no one.

The sound of the announcement sounded again this time I clearly heard. I stretched my arms and yawned a little after knowing we would arrive soon. I stretched my legs and then rubbed my itchy eyes.

Removing the blanket, I stood then walking lazily towards the back door. My stomach had been signaling that I was hungry.

Just as I was about to open the door, Barra came out with a tray of foods in his hands. "I know you must be hungry." He claimed.

I was adoring his messy hair. He had changed into a white T-shirt. I guess, he just woke up a few minutes ago before I woke up.

"Hell yeah, I am." I smiled slightly then returned to my seat.

"Here." My eyes were glimmering when I saw it was refreshing foods like smoked salmon with pickles, grilled chicken, pasta, salad, fruits, and champagne.

He chuckled seeing me swallow my saliva still staring intently at all the food. "Feel free to eat." Then, he sat across from me.

"Even without you telling me, I'll definitely eat these foods." I already gripped the spoon and fork in my hands. "Wait a minute, aren't you hungry?"

He shook his head while pouring the champagne into his glass. "I've been eating snacks in the back." Then, he took a sip of his drink.

I lifted my shoulder in a half shrug before finally eating. He was putting down the glass then resting his head in his hands. His gaze intently into my eyes, making me sense of unease or a ticklish on the back of my neck.

"Don't you know some women are embarrassed to be seen when they're eating?" He nodded with a thin smile as if he knew I was embarrassed under his intense gaze.

"Many times maybe I gotta say this, but I'm glad to see you have been friends with food." He confessed before turning his gaze away from me. The words that came out of his lips carried a lot of meaning which I couldn't explain, because after that his face glowed like he had just got a treasure.

Just when I took the first bite, a man came, "Young Master, we're almost there." He informed.

Barra nodded before his eyes turned to mine again, "Finish your dish, I'll be right back." He got up and went to the front door followed by the man.

I literally gave these foods big thumbs up. It was so yummy and juicy in my mouth. Every bite I took like I got a piece of heaven. It was the first time I tried champagne. And, gosh. I couldn't stop coughing. "I swear I'll never touch this thing again." I whispered to myself like I was talking to someone.

"Ladies and gentlemen, as we start our descent, please make sure your seat backs and tray tables are in their full upright position. Make sure your seat belt is securely fastened. Thank you.”

Oh no, will we land soon? I moved my seat to a place that I thought was safer. Jeez! I was terrified at the thought of the flight above now having to descend to the ground again.

I prepared everything, buckled up. Then, prayed silently waiting for the next announcement. Faintly I heard the announcement about landing. I squeezed my eyes, my body was frozen not moving one bit. There was nothing but the feeling of warmness when someone's arms hugged me. "Calm down." His whisper made my pounding heart instead stop beating. His fragrance returned to bursting out, making my brain and body heat up.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have just about to land on The Ainsley's property. Please make sure one last time your seat belt is securely fastened.---"

Instead of squeezing his hand tightly like before, I chose to wrap my arms around his neck. He froze when I did it. I put my face around his neck, making him even more motionless. Back to reality, his arms hugged me back. Slowly, his hands was stroking my back, calming me down.

I felt nothing but the warmth that surrounds my body. All problems as well as fear were immediately eliminated.

"Welcome to The Ainsley's property."

I looked at the window glass and it was a field with some grass runways. "Wohooo, we nailed it!" He was laughing as I smacked my forehead in disbelief.

"We? You nailed it." He said while showing me that his hand was still in mine.

"Err-sorry." I let go. "We nailed it because you're here with me."

My first experience on air transportation was full of the fear that paid off, which actually had to be faced until I reached what I was aiming for.

We came out as soon as I stretched my body, feeling the fresh air between the relaxing green area. The guards were already standing and then approaching us. "Welcome back, Young Master." They were greeting Barra who was returned it with a smile. Then, they carried my suitcase inside.

"Welcome to The Ainsley's Estate. I hope you had a pleasant trip. I'm Elsa, I'll be your tour guide here." She was like around my age. Looking so friendly when she smiled and immediately invited me to enter.

I turned my body just to meet his mesmerizing eyes as he was closing our distance. I could feel the wind was blowing, flopped my hair over my face. "I have some business to take care of. So, Elsa will give you a tour. Is it okay?" He tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear, making my cheeks red as fire.

I grinned sheepishly. "That's okay."

"Try not to miss me when I'm gone." He smirked.

Sometimes I forgot how annoying he was.

"Not even in your wildest dreams, Mr. Annoying." I could see amusement written all over his face.

"I believe tonight you'll appear in my dreams again, principessa." He sent me a wink before waving goodbye then got in the car followed by his man.

Did he say 'again'?

"Should we?" Elsa's question averted my gaze from Barra's car which was getting away.

"Come on in." She invited me to enter the first gate. My eyes were mesmerized to see the pleasant garden view. It was wide and filled with plants. There were so many varieties of flowers, giving the harmonize colors. The shady trees gave off an amazing jungle atmosphere. My eyes fixed on benches to enjoy the mountain view from a distance, and three lion-shaped fountains that give this side of power

Elsa told me that everything was guaranteed safe here because of the tight security via CCTV, fire safety alarm, and also the guard on guard for twenty four hours. She actually told me every detail regarding this mansion.

Standing in front of me was a luxurious and majestic mansion. So breathtaking.

I continued to enter until the guard opened the door. My jaw dropped open looking at the lavish interiors and trending decor styles. She also told me that all the interior was created by international architects and designers. Wow, too much information.

If the Ozza's were rich, believe me the Ainsley's were more than just rich.

I couldn't explain how beautiful this mansion was. The interior was charming, there were so many rooms in it. A living room, dining room, guest rooms, bedrooms, two swimming pool, a gym, a bar, and the rest that I hadn't had the chance to peddle them anymore because I was exhausted during the trip.

"This is your room. Have a good rest. If you need anything, you can call me." I nodded before restraining her. "Where's Barra's room?"

She smiled teasingly. "Next door." I looked to the left and found a room door that was different from the others. "He asked me to let you stay in this room." I was quite amazed when I found out he placed me right next to his room.

I nodded, "Thank you for the information." She smiled before finally saying goodbye to leave.

I gasped when I was opening the door. It was chic bedroom with a queen size bed. I walked towards a transparent glass door, it was a balcony over looking the garden. And, the bathroom's wall was made from black marble, it featured a stone shower with fantastic views and a sunken tub.

I tucked a lock of my hair behind my ears as smile never left my face. I literally smiled like there's no tomorrow. If only my mother didn't tell me to go, I might never be here now.

A blessing in disguise.

I laid my body on the soft mattress. It felt like the jet lag had disappeared instantly. I rolled and hugged the bolster. The trip was quite tiring and tense, today I really had a new experience that I had never imagined would happen to me actually. Ah! I almost forgot to call mom.