The struggle was real when I had to run in high heels. My feet almost tripped, but a strong-unknown hands grabbed my waist. Tears spilled down my cheeks as his jaw tightened.

"I-I—" I stammered, "That guy—" I pointed behind, "He—he tried to—" I couldn't continue my words, knowing how dirty I became. My heart was thrilling and I started to crying.

He wiped the tears from my face, "Shushhh, you're safe now." He said, holding me and I didn't let go his warm hug.

"Listen to me, wait here with my men." His deep voice filled with a sense of demanding.

I shook my head, "No, don't leave me." I sobbed, looking up into his eyes, "I'm sorry."

Those enticing eyes filled with anger like a burning fire. His expression so emotionless like he was ready to hunt. It was the first time I was terrified looking at him.

"No, please. Let me coming with you."

He didn't even argue with me like usual. "Stay behind me." He stamped his foot in anger.

His man walked behind us still with their sunglasses on. I held his hand fearfully. We went back into the bar. Seeing who was coming, everybody stopped doing what they did. The music on paused.

I didn't notice before that the man who was chasing me, now in the hands of one of Barra's man.

(Trigger warning) //Violence.

"Son of a bitch." Barra stepped forward, slamming his fist, making the man falling right on the floor. There wasn't a single woman in the room who didn't screamed incessantly, seeing his blood started to pour out. "This is for touching her."

Barra stretched his head to the right and left before finally kicking the poor man on the stomach. He groaned in pain, making Barra grinned in pleasure.

As if still lacking, Barra raised the man's head and hit his mouth hard. "Don't you dare try to kiss her again, motherfucker." I swore I saw his teeth was broken.

I watched in horror as his lower lips was covered with blood.

His man gave him a tissue to wipe his hands, Barra was taking one then wiped it.

"Ah, one last shot for you, wanker." He grabbed the man's wrist which was already helpless, then twisting it until he never stopped screaming.

"What should I do to your dirty hands because you dared to touch her?"

Fear crossed the man's face as he kept apologizing, but Barra cackled in his ruthlessness.

I took in a sharp breath, I'd never seen this side of him. His smile was full of hidden evil. His eyes were filled with rage, hatred, and anger that was thrown out with an oppressive smile.

Barra squatted closer to the man, and raised his chin which was now covered in blood, "Shit like yourself should be eliminated." The man grimaced in pain.

"What if I make your whole family suffer?" The man's eyes widened in fear. He shook his head, and quickly apologized.

I closed my eyes as my breath getting heavier. My eyes opened again and everything was still in the same position. I couldn't explain my fear, my eyes widened unsure of what had happened.

Everyone were just silent, watching us in fear. Barra stood up and adjusted his collar. He was wearing his black leather jacket which was now slightly covered in blood, "Hasta Lavista, fucker." He said, when the man collapsed. Then telling his men to take care of him.

Those marvelous--no--- murderous eyes softened as they landed squarely on me. I immediately looked away, my palms were cold, my body was shaking like a leaf.

Everytime he took a step closer to me, I retreated as fast as I could. He stopped when he saw me back off, his lips parted, and his eyes enlarged, "Jazzlin." He called me with a heavy breath.

"Don't." I kept walking backwards. A look of horror crossed my face when I was looking at the blood spots that stained his jacket.

"Jazzlin, stop." He begged when my high heels turned around, running away from the scene.

"Jazzlin, I told you to stop." He sounded so desperate.

I was afraid of him. He was a heartless monster.

"Fuck it! Stop, Jazzlin." His strong hand pulled me when I wasn't strong enough to dodge it.

My body got closer to his body like a magnet that was binding us. The tremors attacked my body while the fear was still all over me. As if feeling it, he slowly let go of his tight grip, "You— are afraid of me?" His voice sounded fragile, crushed, and inexplicable.

My eyes looked everywhere but him, "Look at me Jazzlin." He held my shoulders, holding me who was standing unstably, "Please..." He was broken. His voice grew lower. His breath was wheezing, and his eyes ... I couldn't look at them.

"At least look me in the eye." He pleaded desperately.

"Please, don't." I allowed my tears to flow freely, "Don't touch me." My voice sounded alarmed.

His breathing was getting heavier, I could hear his heartbeat which was beating fast.

I wanted to hug him, telling him how important he was to me, showed him how precious he was. But I couldn't, I needed time to digest all this. He didn't understand how scared I was after seeing him did things like a beast.

He took a deep breath, "Fine." I felt nothing but loneliness when he took his hands away from me, "I have one request from you. Go home with my man. I need you safe in right hand." He spoke gently despite being filled with coldness.

I hated his coldness.

I had no other choice but to nod. For the last time before leaving, my eyes finally settled on those eyes. The hardest thing I ever did... looking forward through his hurtful soul.

His eyes were so empty. He had built a wall to fence off his heart so that I couldn't understand what he felt deep inside.

I shot one final glance before walking away. My steps felt so heavy to leave him. There was a burden in this heart when I had to walk away. But, my logic and stubbornness overtook me.

I wiped tears in my eyes.

Jake was leaning in, calling me to come right in. Getting into the car I saw Elsa was sleeping on Ronald's lap.

My tears broke down when the car engine started. I leaned my head, feeling every stream of tears that flowed down my cheeks a drop at a time.

The sobs couldn't be stopped. Crying had an important influence in lifting the weight I felt.

Didn't know what to do, Jake patted my shoulder to help me lighten my weariness heart.

Sadness, emotions, and anger seemed to had their own way to hurt my feelings even more. I hated my stubbornness and regret was the right word to explain the reason for my falling tears. The consequences were fatal when I gave a promise to someone without taking responsibility for it.

The feeling of self-disgust and dirty had entered my soul. Every inch of that bastard's touch made me thought that I had no pride anymore. The rewind scene in my head made me feel sick.

"I'm sorry for what happened." Once again Jake tried to calm me down.

When the first time I met Jake, I saw him in a different view. I only knew him as a quiet person. But, that night I saw another side of him. His smile was so friendly, with all his efforts he tried so that I didn't dissolve in my sadness.

"Maybe if this didn't happen, you might not have learned the lesson." I turned, to got a view of his whole face.

"Thank you." I mumbled softly.

"You're welcome?" He giggled.

My dim mood was now filled with light, but still a sense of regret enveloped my heart.

"Now, you better close your eyes. Maybe it will lighten the burden on your chest." I nodded, following his directions.

Slowly my mind disappeared in darkness when I closed my eyelids. Everyone learns from the mistakes they had made. My mistake this time really gave me a blow like a tornado into the depths of my heart. Not only was I hurt because of what I did, but also the people around me were affected by it. Elsa ... Barra ... even myself.