Quite a tiring journey, I thought. I got out of the car while Jazzlin quickly pushed her door to open. The other cars arrived right behind us, I walked over to Ronald who had just got out of his car.

"Young Master." He greeted me before opening the car door for his girlfriend for freaking five years. Incredibly enough, those five years were not a fast one. There would definitely be twists and turns in the relationship, but they never seemed to fight.

I could never commit to a relationship. The fear of losing the person I love had always controlled me. Sooner or later people would leave me, just like my mother.

"I was being told that Jake was treated in room 202." Ronald told me so I just nodded back in response.

My arms felt cramped after driving for so long. I'd never been driving that long, because my driver would always drove me to places that were quite far away.

"I'm gonna kill her!"