IN COMA pt.3

I continued to walking until I woke up while the sun shone brightly. In front of me was a table that I had been using to lean my head. It looked like Jazzlin fell asleep.

On the table there was a calendar which immediately caught my attention.

It was 2005 and the ink circles right on the date when my accident happened. I wondered what Jazzlin did until her car hit me.

Someone's crying voice was heard, averted my gaze.

I started walking closer to it, but I didn't aim to get close to the voice. Right behind the wall of the room where the sound of crying was heard, I stopped.

Rose Ozza was crying alone in there. I closed my eyes. Again, it wasn't me who moved the body but the real Jazzlin.

The cause of her sadness was none other than Jeremy Ozza. That man became someone Jazzlin hated the most after what he did to this family.

Rose Ozza was just as frustrated after her divorce. She still didn't want someone to take her family's happiness just like that.