It was like dejavu. I brought her back to my mansion. It was like the old time, I sat waiting for her to wake up.

The last time she was unconscious was because she attempted suicide. I didn't realize she'd woken up again, but with someone else's spirit, Janielle.

Now she was unconscious again, and I gripped her soft hand with hope filled my heart.

The doctor said she was just passed out, but it had been hours and she hadn't opened her beautiful eyes yet.

I remembered how terrified I got when I was told that she was unconscious because she had tried to kill herself.

At that time the feeling of regret got me. I wasn't there when she needed me. Then now, I was by her side and still couldn't take care of her.

(Flashback to chapter one from Barra's point of view)

It had been a long time since I met my old friend, Jazzlin Ozza. The news about the woman was circulating in the media. I still liked to find out about her.