

The young boys mother takes him back to the bathroom and tells him to stand in the bucket, he then starts undressing himself and then after he is done climbs in the big bucket so his mother can wash him and then after he climbed in the bucket his mother takes out a rag and a few soap pieces and starts washing him. After his mother was done washing his body she then started washing his hair and as she is busy washing his hair.

His father walks in and stands behind the door he just walked threw and starts talking to his wife and tells her "that there a few problems", his wife then ask him "what problems?" as she is drying his son hair. "The first problem is that half of the vegetables which I have been growing in the fields are missing . It looks like somebody dug them up and then they tried to cover it up". What! ask his mother, do you think it is one of our neighbour? as she is busy dressing there son. "No!, it can't be, because the same thing has happened to them, some of their livestock are missing and fields were rangsak ''. "The second problem is that the merchant that was supposed to come here have not been seen yet and there is no sign that they are coming to this village" as he walks over to his son and kneels in front of him and starts rubbing his hair and tells his wife that "the third and last problem is that rumors has been spreading that the Kingdom of Odium is going to war with us and that might be the reason why we have not seen the merchant group yet". "What does this mean for us?" ask his wife, "what it means for us is that we might have to pack up our belonging and move to a new place to out run the war that might be on the way".

After there long talk they had the mother then tells her husband and her son "that she is going to make food for them to eat", she and her husband then goes to the kitchen to make food and tells her son to play in eyesight, where she can see him, the young boy then goes out of the bathroom and looks for the young ladies to play with them, but find nobody. After a few times of looking, he goes to one of their houses and knocks on one of the young ladies' doors and then asks her mother "if Jane can come and play with him". Her mother who opened the door tells him that "she just went back to the river to get more water for her grandmother". He then thanks Jane's mother and goes to the river to see if she needs any help, so he runs to the river and as he is running he sees the merchant wagon in the distance on the road coming towards the village.

He then stops in his tracks and runs back to his father and mother to tell them that the merchant is on the way to the village square. As he runs to his house, he stops in front of the door of the house and then opens up the door and goes to the kitchen where his parents are in the kitchen busy making the food and tells them that he just saw the merchant and their wagon coming to the village.

Both of his parents look at each other and his father then tells his wife that he is going to check if everything is okay, the young boy goes with his father as his mother puts the food on the fire and as the merchant with his wagon stop in the middle of the road, he tells his two companies to make every ready for the villagers so that they can begin with there transactions.

He then unlocked his two horses from the wagon and took them to a house standing nearby and asked the owner of the house "if he can give a little bit of water to his horse". She tells him "to use the bucket over there, that has water in it to give to his horse". He then thanks her and proceeds to pick the bucket up and sees that there is enough water in it for both of his horses and starts giving the water to his horse as they are drinking the water out of the bucket one by one, he starts rubbing their maines. After his horses were done with drinking the water.

He then takes them back to the wagon and locks them back to the wagon and then ask his two employes "if they were done?". The two employees then respond with "Yes! sir".

He then sees a favourite customer and greets him and then tells him that he has new types of products from the kingdom's capital. The young boy's father greets the man and tells to "just give him the same products he also gets". The merchant then gives his father the same products and then asks him "if he has any products for him?".

His father then responds with "No, times are tough" and then he gives the merchant the money he owes him for the products. His father then tells his son "lets go ''.

The young boy then follows behind his father to their house as the merchant has his eyes fixed on them. His father then puts the products that he bought on the table and ask his wife "if the food is ready" and she then tells "him to take out the plates so that they can eat lunch", he then stand up and puts the products away and also takes out the plates and puts them on the table. After the plates were set, his mother then takes the pot off the fire and puts the pot on the table and starts serving the food she made for them.

After they were done eating the food, the young boy's mother tells "him to clear the table and to take the bucket again and fill it up with water so there could be water left for tomorrow morning". The young boy then responded with "Yes, mother".