The child like figure tells the young boy that "he shuld finihs up eating". The young boy tells him "yes" with a mouth fool of food. The child like figure then tells the young boy that "he should not talk with a mouth full of food". The young boy then shakes his head up and down, the child like figure then stands up and tells the young boy "to put out the fire when he is done eating and when he about to go and sleep".
A woman in her twenties sits on the floor holding onto a young girl who are in her arms. The young girl is about seven years old and they are sitting in a dark room, but as they are sitting in the dark room thay can still see eachother with both of their eyes shining in the darkness. The young girl looks up at the young women who is hloding onto her and ask her "when will we get to see mom and dad?". The young woman then reponds with "mom and dad has gone out and is looking for help, dont worry they will come back and safe us". The young woman then tells the younger girls "to clse her eyes, becaues her eyes are shining to much and also she needs to sleep". The young girl then closes her eyes and falls asleep.
The young woman then stands up puts the younger girl on the floor gentlely and goes to the door the young woman then opens up the door and goes out the dark room she then closese the door behind her and stands in front of the door. As the young woman is standing and waiting in front of the door a female guard starts walking towards her.
The female gurad then stops next to her and tells her that "she should come with her", as they are walking the female guard ask the young woman "if that is the best dress she has?". The young woman then responds with "yes" and the female gurad then tells her "eww that the best you have? you did not even brush your hair look at you, you are only a animal, just a beast, that thinks it is a woman, how dare you think, that you are a woman?. I have no idea what he sees in you", the young woman reponds with "i am sorry, this is the only dress i have, sir gave it to me".
The female guard now angry hits the young woman in her face, the young woman falls over and onto the ground. The female guard tells her that "she should remember her place and that she is only a play thing to keep the noble from Oduim happy and nothing more".
The female guard then tells the young woman to "stand up, because she is making the floor more dirty with that thing you call a body". The young woman stands up and walks behind the female guard. As they are walking out of the buliding the both of them here a girl secaming with a wolfs bark in between the screams as they are getting closer to the exist of the building they see a bucnh of men standing in a cicrle cheering with some having a either wine or bread in there hands.
In the cicrle there are two beings one is a wolf barking at someone and a young girl the same age as the young womans little sister. One of the guards is holding on to the wolf with a lease, the young girl cries and sreams for them to "help her" but the gueards, strarts betting more on the wolf.
The girl then tries to run, but the gurads on her end pushes her into the wolf and as she is falling into the wolfs area of attack she stops her selfs before she can fall on top of the wolf, but in that time the wolf bites her on the her hand, the wolf then starts shaking her hand from left to right and almost biteing of her two of her fingers as the wolf is shaking her hand as the wolf is shaking her hand the girl strats screaming.
The guard who is holding on to the wolf with a lease tells "the wolf to let her go", the wolf then lets go of her and sits down onto the ground. The girl screams and strats crying as she is holding onto her hand which has a big wound on it and is bleeding a lot. One of the guards pushes the the drinks guards out of his way and tells them "we can mess with the slave of the Oduim noble". The guard then asks them "which one of them is going to tell him that he is going to have one less felid worker for his feilds?".
The female guard then tells him "that she give them the okay to have some fun". The medical guard then tells her that "she does not have the power of them", the female guard then ask him "do you mean the beast you are so fond of?".
The child like figure stands up and to go into the woods to relief himself as he is walking out of the house they are sleeping in the chlid like figure hears the young boy crying, the child like figure then goes over to the young boy and sees that he is having a bad dream and also sees that his eyes and cheeks are wet from the tears he is crying. The child like figure then goes to his bed and takes his blankets and throws them over the young boy and then he tells the young boy "that it is okay to cry" and walks out of the room and house.