
Chapter 39

With old man Lu blessing Alex joined them, Lu introduced Alex to his guards which was works personnel for his family, that has join him on this personnel journey, for next month Alex learn more about the sword family where Lu comes form and made him self’s more known by the family personal guards, also learning more about Lou city story form the guards them self.

Lou city is merchant city, that was started by a few merchants, later on many off the lands around the first settlement they made was sell off by the merchants.

The small settlement started to grow as people began building on the sell of lands, creating the city that stands there today. The merchants that founded the land of Lou city was build on, became the founding family’s of Lou city, after Lou city was build the merchant kept on building Lou city as a merchant city with great opportunity for people to make, which made more people come to Lou city, meaning more money began flowing in to Lou city.