
Chapter 47

At night.

Under the light of the bright moon, a young woman wearing a light blue dress, sits on top of a stone slab place in the middle off the yard, the stone slab she is sitting on has a rune symbol on it, growing bright blue absorbing the mana conversing around her. She seems to be using a cultivation method that usage the energy created form the moon. The mana energy that moonlight is releasing that night uses the mixture of two different mana energy’s that gets turn into ice mana by the formation she is using to absorb into her body.

The conversion of mass amount of ice mana awakes Alex form his slumber, Alex follows the mana energy towards it conversion point and finds a yard that he had not seen before in the Chen family estate, Alex tries the door, but the door seems to be locked, Alex wanting to know who the person that is absorbing a high amount of mana and begins looking around for ways to get in.