Chapter 1 [Zyaire]

"Zyaire, I'm pregnant."

Just two words and I'm shattered into pieces, two words and my life has crumbled in front of my bare eyes. I felt numb; I couldn't think properly, I wanted to scream, to punch the something, anything to release the anger and pain that is boiling up inside me.

I looked at her with tears threatening to escape my eyes. The person that I loved dearly more than my life, the person I took care and cherished for years, vanished in a blink of an eye. I've treasured her so much that I couldn't bare to hurt her even for this, I tried to be the perfect guy she always wanted but I guess I tried too much for her that it made her tired of being with me.

"Can you repeat that?" I clenched my fist under the table to somehow hold in the anger I was feeling.

"I-I'm pregnant," She said almost in a whisper while looking directly into my eyes

"W-why? Am I not enough?" I asked in a whisper

"Zyaire... "

"Am I not enough?" I asked trying to hide the pain and sadness from my voice, but seems to no avail. "I've done everything for you, I gave up everything for you Elizabeth. I guess everything I did means nothing to you after all, should've known."

"Zy...of course it meant something to me,"

"But it's not enough to make you stay, right?" She just looked at me as tears streamed down her cheeks

"Zy..." As she looked at me, her eyes were filled with sympathy and guilt. She still looks beautiful even though her eyes are swollen and her nose turning red, how will I ever unlove this woman?

"Did you love me?" The question slipped right through my lips

"Zy, what kind of question was that!? I loved you more than anything!"

"Loved..." I said with a small smile "I get it,"

I walked towards her and placed my forehead against her and said "Be happy Elizabeth," I kissed her forehead while wiping her tears away; I walked past her. For the first time, I left someone. I was about to leave the café but suddenly I saw a guy on his phone seating behind our table and striding towards Elizabeth with a smile. I looked back at Elizabeth and she looked back at the guy, it doesn't take a genius to understand the situation.

I stopped him before he can reach her table.

"You love her?" I said while looking at Elizabeth's direction, the guy then followed my gaze.

"Yes, So much." The guy answered without hesitation, he showed full sincerity as he looked at Elizabeth.

I sighed and smiled weakly. "Your food is on me man" I said

"Wait really?" I gave him a nod for reassurance "Thanks dude!" He smiled with joy while giving me a handshake

"Take care of her, don't hurt her."

"I wouldn't dare to hurt her," he stated while looking at Elizabeth

"Go on, get your girl" he started to hop towards Elizabeth to tell her about the free food. Elizabeth looked at me with sadness in her eyes, I gave her a small smile and left the café. I payed at the counter and had extra payments for them before living the place. I went directly to my car and started to release the tears that I have been holding. "Sir," The driver greeted

"Mr. Hanasawa," I smiled weakly and while tears continuously streaming down my cheeks "Why does it hurt so much?"

"It's because you love her, loving without getting hurt cannot be called love."

"This is all bullshit, I did everything for her but I still lost it to that guy." I sobbed "I guess it was all useless,"

"The important thing is you did your best, Zyaire. You tried and that is all that matters, it's better than doing nothing."

I just continued to release the sadness and pain in my tears, Mr. Hanasawa just kept silent waiting for me to calm down.

"S-she got pregnant..."

"You're the father?" He asked curiously

"Of course not," I sniffed "She found someone better, someone she loves more than me," I sighed "I didn't dare to stay much longer. The pain is killing me, it hurts so much"

"No pain is permanent sir, learn to bare with it for the mean time."

Our butler, named Christian, My driver, Mr. Hanasawa, and my brother, Cesar, are the only persons I trust with everything, they are the only ones who I told about Elizabeth. We started our relationship in high school, we were best friends. I was in love with my childhood friend but she made me fall for her. I couldn't ask for more but it was useless and all.

After a while, my tears stopped streaming down and my breathing calmed down, suddenly my phone started to ring. I looked at the caller ID, it's Christian, our butler.

"Perfect timing," I snickered as I click my tongue and answered the call. "This must be important." I said with authority.

"Sir Zyaire, I apologize for interrupting your lunch but I must inform you that your father declared an emergency meeting." The butler said "May you please come right now sir?"

"You make it seem like I have a choice Christian," I said

"Just being polite sir, you are still my boss afterall."

"I'll be there in 10," with that, I ended the call "Take me to the company, Mr. Hanasawa."

"Right away, sir." Mr. Hanasawa answered

Driving towards the company, I made sure that there were no traces that I shed a single tear. I straightened my suit, fixed my hair, put on some perfume and wore my glasses to hide my slightly swollen eyes. Once I reached the company, Mr. Hanasawa stopped in front of the main entrance.

"Mr. Hanasawa, please let Christian pick up Cesar and you may take your lunch."

"Okay sir," Mr. Hanasawa opened the door for me and I stepped out of the car. As I enter the company Christian quickly approached me and greeted me with a bow.

"Christian, have you informed Cesar about the meeting?" I asked as walked towards the elevator

"Yes, I have sir." He said

"You should pick him up. I told Mr. Hanasawa to take his lunch since he hasn't eaten yet" I said

"Is that so? I will go pick him up sir" He gave me a bow

"Alright then, Make sure he isn't late for the meeting" I entered the elevator with a smirk while Christian went to fetch Cesar. I took my phone out to inform Cesar .

"What's up, bro?" He said as soon as he answers the call.

"I told Christian to pick you up, you're welcome." I chuckled

"You're the best! I better get ready then!" He shouts and hangs me up.

"The best of the best," I sighed and rest on the wall. The elevator stopped on the 5th floor and another guy entered.

"Zyaire Tyler Beaumont,"

"Theos Montgomery," I smiled

"How's it going?"

"Everything's doing well," He smiled back, lying. "You?"

"Nervous," I said "I wonder what the meeting all about is," Then I looked at him, thinking that he knows something.

"Oh don't look at me like that," He chuckled "They don't let me know anything because they know I'll spoil everything,"

"I figured," I let out a low laugh as the elevator bell rang and we started to walk towards the conference room "So how is Serene?"

"Damn your sister won't stop squealing and cheering while watching RuPaul's Drag Race" He said "Sometimes she would pull me to her dresser room and give me a makeover late at night."

"That's Serene alright, she never changed."

"I guess it was a bit hard but fun as well on your side, huh?" he said "Oh by the way, I'm planning to take her to Los Angeles to watch the grand finale of RuPaul's Drag Race live," He smiled warmly. They ultimately love each other.

"She would definitely love that," I said with a smile. "How's your younger sister?" I asked.

"Sister?" He asked in confusion.

"Eli?" I said as I open the conference room door "I bet she's a great woman now,"

Eli is Theos' younger sister which is bound to get married to me, arranged if I may add. The Beaumont's and Montgomery's have been doing a tradition since the ancient times which is still practiced today in the present. Our tradition states that every first born and second born of both parties have the responsibility of tying the knots by marriage. May it be heterosexual or homosexual, no exceptions are made.

But it is made to known that this tradition is only exclusive for the 20th and 21st generation. Serene Anika Beaumont is my older sister and the first child of the Beaumont's that has been tied to the Montgomery's first born Theos Montgomery. Second child of the Beaumont's is me which am destined to marry the second born of Montgomery, Eli.

"Uhm about that-"

"Oh our sons have arrived!" Mom said excitedly "Let the meeting commence,"

"Wait, Cesar hasn't arrived yet."

"I already texted him to do some errands with Christian" My father said

"Alright, please continue." I gestured my hand to continue.

"We're planning on having your marriage in 3 months"

First of all, I just got broken up moments ago. Second, I just found out my ex-girlfriend is pregnant and now this? Really? I think it's my lucky day. "Wait! We agreed that we'll get married after she is done with her business in Japan," I said "Plus, we still have 3 years until we're 27. What's with the rush?"

"Well, he finished earlier than expected, he finished his business in Japan in just 2 years and he also finished the one in Hawaii in just 5 months." Theos said

"He doesn't have anything to do right now so why not pursue the marriage, right?" Mrs. Montgomery said

"Please give me time to take it all," I sighed as I massaged my head "Did Eli agreed to this?"

"He was the one who suggested it, Zy." Mom smiles "You'll actually get meet each other today after so many years,"

"Why do you all call her 'him'? She's a woman!"

"Eliott is not a woman, Zyaire, he's a man." Theos said as he looked at me with confused eyes.

"What are you talking about?"

The door suddenly opened and a man enters, he stood tall and confident. He's flaunting black undercut fade trim haircut, Thick beautiful brows, Pointed nose, Luscious lips, sharp manly jaw, and a dimple shows on he's right cheek every time he shows his perfect white teeth. He's body was fair and the build was perfect, it's toned and muscular. I felt like my surroundings evolve in slow motion.

He's Eliott? Eliott Timothée Montgomery? The man I would marry? The man who made me fall in love at such an early age because I thought he was a woman? Now that you think about it, Eliott TIMOTHÉE. Just how dumb am I?

"Zyaire!" He exclaimed in joy as he walk towards. He gave me the biggest hug I have received, I can feel blood rushing to my face, I can tell I'm a blushing mess in front of everyone.

"Uhm hey," I laughed nervously and pat his back. He placed his hands on my shoulders and stepped back a little, I just gave him a confused smile

"Well, don't act like you don't know me Zy," He said with a smile

"Uuhmm you see-"

"Now listen," Mom said "We have prepared a surprise for you both,"

Our family members looked at us with a mischievous grin on their faces. "What surprise?" I asked "Y'all making me nervous with that smile,"

"Marj" Mom calls out our maid "Please call Mr. Hanasawa and tell him it's time,"

Mr. Hanasawa knows something? I looked at both parties all confused and look at Eliott, He was completely unfazed and calm.

"Madame, The car is ready." Marj informed and bowed before she left. My mother told Marj to escort us towards the car. This supposed 'surprise' is making me nervous as I know my mom does unexpected things at times.

When we were still kids, I've always thought that she.. I mean he was a girl since sh-- he wears dresses. Was that all for me to think that I'll be marrying a woman? Wait. Did they fool me all this time? Or am I the only one who didn't notice at all?

"I really don't get it" I sighed with confusion still visible on my face

"Don't get what?" He asks

"I was certain that you were a girl" I said "Are you transgender by chance?"



"No," He chuckles

"How about a Lesbian?"

"No," He chuckles once more "I'm not gay Zy"

"You're not?" I asked and looked at him. Wait, am I hoping he is? No! No! I just experienced a heartbreak earlier, how did I move on that fast? Wha-

"You're somehow weird than I imagined" He laughs "You were so cute back then" He said as he touches my cheek "Must say, you look cuter now."

Ba-thump ba-thump ba-thump is all I can hear after brushing his hands across my cheek.

"Sir Beaumont and Sir Montgomery, welcome to your new condominium." Mr. Hanasawa said as he parked the car on the main entrance. "Your place is located on the 18th floor Room 1801," He handed us the key card as soon as we got out the car.

"Mr. Hanasawa" I pouted

Mr. Hanasawa smiled and pats my head "Sir, please don't worry and don't pout, you're not a child anymore. I'll still drive you every day," He smiles warmly .

"I'll take that as a promise then," I smiled "See you tomorrow" I waved as we walk towards the entrance of the building where Eli was waiting for me.

We went in the elevator and silence engulfed us once again. "Uhm sooo," I started "You're a guy,"

"What?" He chuckles "Don't tell me that you actually thought that I was a girl?"

"Yeah," I said, looking dejected "Never in my whole life did I ever think that I'd end up with a guy,"

He suddenly cornered me as he gaze at me. "3 months? Am I right?"

"Yes," I nervously said

"It seems that I have a lot of time to make you fall, Mr. Zyaire Tyler Beaumont." He laughs.

Oh no.