Chapter 13 - 'Sivvalness' Is Lost On Some

"I will expose you Dante, and I will end you and all your schoolmates."

Please shut up. Dante thought in his mind. He twisted and turned in his bed as the voice from Tootie's funeral whispered on. "I know you don't want to be here. I'm going out on a limb here and assuming you're a smart boy."

What do you mean by 'going out on a limb?'

"So I trust in time you'll make a smart decision, stop sticking your nose into entity business and leave while you're still capable of breathing."

Dante heard distorted cackling and suddenly his throat closed up. The boy gasped and struggled for air as the light in the dorm switched on. "Dante, are you okay?" Pablo said from his aquarium. Dante could only shake his head as his vision danced before him. "Oh god is it an allergic reaction?"