I tried so hard to impress everyone around me that my academics was now being neglected. Don't get me wrong i could have gotten super high marks in all of my subjects, but trying to fit in was my first priority. Second was to date all the cute guys in my school and to catch on a whole lot of nonsense. All of this only because i wanted to fit in. But i was so naive that i did not realize that I was actually being taken for advantage by those guys and they only wanted one thing. When those guys did not get what they wanted. . . they would simply move on. Leaving me feeling rejected and unwanted. Like I'm not good enough.
All I cared about was getting attention. What I didn't realize was that i was getting attention for all the wrong reasons. Kids started spreading rumours that I was dating my male teachers or stupid stuff like me being pregnant. Now bare in mind. . . I loved wearing baggy jackets because I was very conscious about my body.
I was judged by alot of people in the school because of the stuff I did. I remember how I was paranoid about not being liked. Now I have always been a very shy girl in school. A shy girl with a mean attitude. I wasn't scared of getting into trouble or getting on the wrong side of some girl that might end up wanting to fight with me. I think I had that mean attitude because I was trying to hide the fact that I was insecure.
Some how when I look back at what or how I lived my life. . . I dont think I would have been the same person I am today. Besides I wouldn't have any stories to tell my kids one day.