Chapter 31 - Sometimes people just want to take advantage...

In a world where you are only good enough for what you do for the next person, how do you do good for someone when you are scared of being taken for advantage? Sometimes it feels like I'm going to have a good day, then everything falls apart again. Like can I not just have one good day to give me strength and and hope to carry on. I feel like I have forgotten what it was like to smile. Worst part is the fact that I hate people being in my business, and but they always seem to get involved. People always throwing shade my way... I feel like I'm going to lose it some day very soon. I don't know myself anymore. I am falling apart day by day. And I don't know how to stop myself from falling apart and staying sane. I don't know how to stop myself from getting upset at stupid things that would usually be small enough for me to laugh it off.