Yumi POV "How dare you hit my sister!" Chelsy shouted angrily.


I went inside the classroom and my classmates fell silent. I approached Chelsy and held her hand up I think she will slap it on Angel.


"Stop it" I said in cold voice


Chelsy pulled her hand so I let go.



-fast forward-


We are here now at the back of the school.



"Yumi" I turned around


Angel. I smiled at her


"Gwaenchana?" I asked her


"Huh?" aish I forgot I was no longer in Korea.


"I mean, are you okay?" I said


"Ah yes, ahm Yumi" she grabbed my attention again


"Hmm?" while looking at the river.


Because the back of our school is a river and there is a big mango tree here. Here I often hang out, quietly and without much going.


"Can I be your bestfriend?" counted she said.


"No" I simply said.



I don't want to have friends. I don't like messy and noisy tss.


"Yey, you're my bestfriend!" smiling she said and hugged me


What did she say again? Are we friends? I don't like what I said tss.


I looked at her, she was smiling. The smile that reaches to the ears.


"YUMI IT"S LATE ,YOU STILL HAVE CLASSES!" I woke up to mom's scream


"Here it is!" I said then got up.


Ouch! I grabbed my head, the pain .. I closed my eyes and then opened.


I feel like I have a fever.


I got up and dressed ..




I shook my head as I walked inside our classroom.


Shit I can't really do that anymore .. It hurts so much


"Ouch" I said softly


I collided with something.


"Sorry, I'm in a hurry" his voice is familiar ..


I raised my head and ....


"Yumi?" Lance.


I smiled at him.


"I'm coming in, I'm late" I said sluggishly and walked away.


I'm not in the mood to talk right now because I want to get inside the



classroom and get some rest. My head really hurts.


It's a good thing our teacher didn't have the first period.


I have one more hour to sleep. Sleep first ..


"Yumi" I was shocked when someone called my name


I looked up and saw my classmate.


"B-why?" I said lazily


"Reika was out there" he said and left.


I looked outside and she was already there.


I got up and went out.


"Reika" I call her attention.


She turned and smiled.


"I miss you Yumi" she said and hugged me


"Are you saying that? We were just together last week" I said confused


"Eh how come, I couldn't contact you last weekend so I missed you" she said and broke away from me.


Ah last weekend, I couldn't really be contacted then because I turned off my cellphone ..


"Wait, you look pale. Are you okay?" worried she said


"Yup, my head just hurts a little" I told her.


"Break time, let's go to the cafeteria?" she is with me.


"All right" I told her with a smile.


We walked to the cafeteria ..


"Yumi, did you bring your cellphone?" Reika asked


"Yes, I always carry it. Why?" I asked


"Chat Lance, tell me we'll go to the cafeteria first" why me?


I took my cellphone out of my pocket and handed it to her.


"You call" I said.


She took my cellphone. And started walking again.


I stopped and my head suddenly hurt so I pulled it around and started walking.


I applied my palm.


Shit! I think I have a fever ...


But I feel not. I'll just check with Reika later.