Chapter fourteen

Tessa's P.O.V

When I got home, I went straight to my room to clean the cut and bruise I got from the fight. My mom was not yet back from work. I was really curious about what was going to happen at school the following day. Around 4pm I took a nap and by the time I woke up, my mom was already back and she looked very tired. She then explained to me that her job very stressful.

All of a sudden she saw the cut on my left arm. (She is not usually caring.)

"What happened to your arm?" My mom inquired.

"Nothing" I murmured.

She stopped asking me questions and gave me an ointment to apply on the wound. I retired to my room after dinner and decided to do some research online. I opened the search engine and what I saw made my mouth to drop open. The first topic on the search engine was shouting:"NEW GIRL DEFILES SCHOOL RULES BY FIGHTING"

with my picture above it. I clicked on it and read the article which was a total lie. It says that I attacked some students because they refused to help me do my algebraic assignment which was a very big lie and FCOL I had just spent a day in that school. I knew that minute that it was the work of the M.P.C girls. I took my phone and my head phone and told my mom I was going for a walk. (I always go for a walk or run whenever I am angry so I can release my anger.) I did a few laps around the park close to my house. When I was sure I had calm down, I returned home to await the following day in school.

Ian's P.O.V

The minute I left the class, I headed for my favorite place in the whole of Richmond, THE PIZZA PLACE well I am a down to earth lover of pizza. I wasn't actually angry, I was just confused because no girl, I mean no girl has ever refused me the way Jacqueline and Tessa did. I ate my chicken flavored chicken pizza before I went home.

On getting home I wanted to check something on online but what I saw in the search engine really surprised me, the picture of Tessa and a very annoying headline. "Tessa might have looked like a tomboy but she wouldn't fight with others over assignment right?" I asked myself. By this time I was no longer disturbed by the fact that I had been defeated but I looked forward to what was going to happen in school the following day, because the news would have gone really far.

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The following day at school, the news has gone round and everyone including the school authorities were waiting for the arrival of Tessa Evans who was said to have defiled the school rules by fighting.

Tess's P.O.V

I woke up the following day around 6am feeling very tired from my experience the previous day, then I realized that if I don't get up and get dressed I would be late for school. I took my bath and hurriedly got dressed. I said goodbye to my mum who was having breakfast and went to school. On my way to school, memories of the fight I had came back to me and I reduced my pace, I got to school few minutes before classes started.

As I walked through the hallway, as expected everyone was staring at me and giving me strange looks but I was prepared to stand my ground and tell the school authority the truth. I started walking towards the principal's office, but Jacqueline stopped me in my tracks and pulled me aside.

"What happened?"she asked.

On a normal day I wouldn't have told her but I wanted to see if she can earn my trust, so I told her what had happened and she told me to explain everything to the principal.

On getting to the principal's office, I met my algebraic teacher sitting across the principal.

"Miss Evans, can you please explain yourself?"the principal asked.

"I don't know what you have heard or seen, but its not the truth" I answered.

"Then tell us the truth"the algebraic teacher barked.

"The truth is that I fought , but I would never fight over whatever you saw. I was attacked by a group of girls after school and I only fought back because they wouldn't leave me alone".

"And who are those girls?" The principal inquired.

Now that was a problem because I don't even know them, but before I could finish thinking, there was a knock on the principal's office door.

"Come in" answered the principal.

Jacqueline walked in quietly and the principal asked her what she came for and she said she was an eye witness, I looked at her because I didn't understand what she was getting at, so I looked at her face and I knew she was trying to save me.

"It was the M.P.C girls that attacked her" Jacqueline said my behalf when the principal asked that question again.

"Please can you tell us what you mean but the M.P.C girls?" The principal asked, with a confused look on his face.

"The most popular and cool girls"Jacqueline answered.

The principal called for them and they denied fighting with me, but their injuries gave them away.

The M.P.C girls were give two weeks suspension which is the normal punishment for fighting, but I was given detention because I was a new student and because the M.P.C girls started the fight.

Jacqueline also got detention for not stopping the fight as soon as she saw us.


Here we are again readers, another chapter done after so many busy weeks.

I feel really awful for not updating earlierbut trust me I would do my best in changing.❣❣

So, please don't forget to vote , comment.

I am not sure where I am going with these story but I hope you guys enjoy reading it. Thanks a lot and please don't forget to check out my other book"living with my secret".
