
Aaron Cyrus February 10th,20XX

“So, we’ve gone over the research and it looks like you can’t exactly fly as the heroes in comic books do.”

Was what they had told me a few days ago. Nagi had winced at the incredulous look I shot him and rushed to finish his sentence.

“Well, it's not- we think that instead of just flying you have the ability to manipulate gravity. You lift its influence on you when you fly, which is why you feel lighter in the air than you do on the ground. It also contributes to why you tend to sink into the ground when you land. It's not ‘super strength’ as we suspected but is just you becoming heavier than the ground can support.”

My first instinct had been to reject the theory and say it was impossible, but I held myself back by remembering how far past 'possible' the things I could do were. I decided to give it a good mental once over and tried to make it make sense.

I wasn’t in any way a specialist on gravity and didn’t know much about it beyond the fact that some guy had an apple drop on his head and made up a scientific law about it.

That was why it was so difficult to accept that I had 'control' over it. Heck, I hadn't had control over much of anything in such a long time that having control over something so big was hard to wrap my head around.

Marsha had jumped in with another suggestion, serving as the second mouthpiece for the group of 20.

“We also think that you can manipulate the gravity and weight around other items but yourself. That’s why we think you cant get hurt! You simply lighten their weight enough for the impact on you to be negligible.”

“But we won't know until we test it properly!”

Ivette chimed in with a quiet voice as if she were scared that I would get mad. She probably still felt bad about releasing the 50-ton weight on me while I was distracted. I’d made out fine enough, but we’d learned that was about my limit. It had kind of bounced off me, but I’d had a concussion for half a day after.

It was the first time I was feeling any sort of external pain in a while so I'd panicked a bit more than I would have otherwise. Although it hadn’t knocked me unconscious I’d had a hard time adjusting to the uncomfortable feeling.

“Well… That’s a lot to adjust to. But how do you want to test me?”

“We wanted to start small. It seems like you have an easier time making things lighter than heavier but we’re not sure if you have to directly be touching it or not. We'll set up equipment on the field to measure your ability to influence different thing's weights and go from there."

After smashing up the previous smooth metal floor Joyce had been so attached to, she had replaced the indoor gym’s floors with grass and dirt that could easily be replaced and refilled at the end of each day.

She seemed somewhat mad about it but wouldn’t admit to it. I'd wanted to tease her about it but I prided myself on not being the type to go looking for trouble.

I knew she was busy handling this whole 'hero haven' building and her company, but she had been off these past few days. She looked tired and frustrated all at once but before I could try to comfort her she would push me off towards the scientists to research my abilities.

Her being stressed out wasn’t directly my fault, I knew that she would have built this place even without me having these abilities, but I couldn’t help but feel guilty. At the least, my having these abilities had made her speed things up more than was convenient for her.

There wasn’t much I could do to help her with her company, and she wouldn’t let me contribute any money into upkeeping this place.

It was amazing to have a competent person like Joyce by your side but it could also be incredibly frustrating at times like this.

Even though she was already so busy with everything else she had managed to get my living situation sorted by getting an apartment in the inner city for herself and her sister and letting me stay in their house on the outer edge of the city. I couldn't even reject it because her moving date was this week.

I couldn't help her with her company, couldn't help her with the building or with her family but there felt like there was nothing I could do to help her. The two of us didn't like counting favours but I couldn't not do something in return, after all, she'd already done so much for me.

It was while I mulled it over that Joyce’s request to me finally popped up in my mind.

There was something I could do to help her.

I brought out my laptop and logged into my Squire intending to go directly to the new video streaming function when I was flooded by my notifications.

I generally had my tag notifications filtered since the number of people tagging me daily made it hard to use the site properly but even through the filter, I saw an astronomical number.

Normally this would make me feel overwhelmed but that was exactly what I wanted. I clicked into a few of them and sped scrolled past those that were less than appropriate.

'@ACyrus Where have you been? QAQ We miss you!!'

I 'medaled' the post, the site's unique version of liking a post and decided to respond.

'Hello @Teor! Thanks for asking! I've actually been preparing content for when I become a 'Page'! It's my first time doing this type of thing so I'm kind of nervous about it!. I hope you'll all support it when it comes out'

"Hmm, Is that too obvious?"

I tried it again. I needed to sound a bit more casual.

'@Teor I miss you all too. I've been pretty busy lately but I'll try to be more active!'

" That's a bit too vague though."

I decided against replying and decided to make a new post altogether. But then came the issue of choosing what picture to go with it. Squire didn't require you to have a picture with your posts but I was worried that if I didn't post a picture they might think something was wrong.

"Hey, guys! Thanks for all the concern. I'm doing fine, just taking a small break and preparing for a few things! ⚔"

I ended it with Squire's logo and before I could edit it again hit the post button.

That shouldn't have been as hard as it was since I was usually pretty active but just updating people on my day and purposefully advertising something were completely different activities.

I went to repost Squire's official announcement about the 'Pages' and threw my phone to the side and went to sleep. That was enough pretending to be a popular celebrity for today.