Kaja Lando: February 29th,20XX
“Kaja no!”
Tillo stood in front of the closet with his arms extended outwards, forming a human wall. Behind him was not only all of my clothes but also my makeup pouch.
I cut myself off and tried to remember what Anatha had told me last time.
“Tillo, I know you don’t want me to alter my appearance. I understand why as well! But you can’t possibly stop me from using makeup for school.”
It kind of upset me how visibly thrown off he always looked when I took a step back and tried to talk things out, but it had only been a few days since I’d started. It looked like we both needed time to adjust.
Things had been somewhat awkward since the day Aaron had thrown the two of us into therapy. It wasn’t like we suddenly started doing anything differently, but the nature of our squabbles had changed.