
Aaron Cyrus: February 29th,20XX

After so long, I’d finally been able to carve out some time to meet with the scientists. Work had picked up recently both in school and professionally, so I hadn’t been able to come back to the building often.

I’d wanted to drop off the kids at school so they wouldn’t have to go on their own, but I’d gotten called in last night to come into the studio at four this morning. They had called me in a tizzy and made it sound like I absolutely had to be there, but once I’d gotten there, they had barely spoken or even looked at me.

It was confusing, and I got the feeling that I was being diverted, but I didn’t even know who to ask and confirm my theory.

While it was annoying, at least I’d gotten the rest of the day off. After looking over all of my options, I’d come to the dorms and check in with the scientists.