Life-Defining Event

Kaja Lando: February 29th,20XX

Ember’s large body delicately trembled in fear as outside the bathroom broke into chaos. Footsteps thundered outside and fists banged on the door to the bathroom, but Archer had locked the door shut. I hadn’t even known the bathroom had a door since most public bathrooms didn’t, but Archer had somehow discovered this abnormality and used it to our advantage.

Another bang exploded outside and screaming ensued. Thankfully, we were safe inside the bathroom, but I couldn’t ask Archer how he’d known to pull us in here.

He had to have ‘heard’ something before everything happened. I was curious, but I couldn’t ask while Ember was still awake. The poor guy looked terrified and was likely seconds away from passing out, but somehow stayed conscious.

“Archer? What about Eva?”