Nephius rushed into his mother's room. “Mother did you hear that?”

“Your father is not yet home,” a worried Rachel replied.

“We have to go out there, something has happened?” Her son requested

“No no, your father is immortal, nothing is going to happen to him. He will be back,”

“But what was that?”

Her other sons came rushing in too, “Did everyone hear that?” Daniel asked.

“We all heard it, sounded like a woman crying, maybe it's Clarris and dad finally beat her ass up.” Lotus added.

“We have to go out there?”

“No!” Rachel insisted, “she might be trying to lure you out there, remember you are all over eighteen.”

The boys kept quiet, what their mother was saying was making sense. Barrick got out a potion and started spraying it on his brother

“What is this?” Daniel asked.

“It's a protection potion, used to lure away love potions, that's if she comes to lure us seductively.”

“Where did you get it?”

“Potion market in Arthora,” Barrick replied.

“You went to Arthora?” Did you see some beautiful maidens?” Lotus inquired.

“Lotus!” Nephius yelled out.

“Okay boys you are all sleeping in this room just in case,” Rachel ordered.

Lotus began hugging everyone, “until we meet again brother,”

“Hug me and you will find yourself down the castle,” Nephius said in a cold tone

“Lotus rolled his eyes and skipped him and went for his mother, “please allow the new Lotus to explore the kingdoms and get laid, It's a pity I'm going as a virgin.”

Rachel almost burst out laughing, Lotus always managed to put a smile on her face, “Alright, will do that, I promise my son”

“Come on guys, let's not lose hope, we are waking up tomorrow, and we will go into Arthora, get drunk, find Lotus a lot of women to quench his thirst.” Miguel stated

They all laughed out….

In The Dead man's forest the Naga kept crying and moaning her son. He was all she had and thanks to the witch Clarris he was gone.

“I understand your loss,” king Jerald sympathised.

“Understand!” She hissed, “you always get back your sons when she takes them, how can you compare that with me. Where am I going to find an immortal being to mate with…. ”

Then she stopped in her tracks, King Jerald was immortal, how could she have been this stupid. There was silence and king Jerald knew what she was thinking.

“Sorry for disturbing you, I'm so sorry for your loss I better head my way.” king Jerald stated.

All of the sudden the curve closed in. What would be a better revenge than to get pregnant for the enemy's lover. She took her son, she will take the curse. For centuries she had stayed away from Clarris and feared her. But taking her son was a line crossed that gave her determination, crying was not going to bring her son back.

But she still had doubts if it was possible to get impregnated by a cursed half man half mutant.

“You have what I want king Jerald, it's a long short but it happened a millennia ago. A Naga mated with an immortal human and they gave birth to a Nemo. It was an abomination. Nemo's were fearless shape shifting creatures that lived a long time ago. They were creatures that were a mixture of a Naga, Nixie, mutant, Pixiu and witch. It was a creature that matched no man. But due to evolution a spell was cast to prevent them from surviving the air we breathe in, in short they became extinct. You've read about them.”

“Not even Clarris would match him.”

King Jerald's heart began beating fast, he was a man that had been looking for answers and hearing the Naga's far fetched proposal was sounding like a dream come true. “even if it were possible to sire such a creature, you said it yourself how will it breath?” he asked