Questions Without Answers

“Do not just stand there get us into the castle,” King Jerald yelled out.

“How did you do that?” Miguel asked Barrick who was as shocked as everyone. They lifted king Jerald, rushed him into the castle and shut the door behind them.

Barrick felt weakness within his knee and knelt down, all of a Sudden his chest opened and the Pixiu came out and jumped on King Jerald's Lap.

“What the fuck!" They all yelled

“Bad manners Angel! Do not ever do that,” Barrick yelled.

“What! How! You named it!" Lotus asked

“He is our guardian angel, Omen does not fit him.” Barrick replied.

King Jerald ordered Nephius to take him into the Dungeon and asked everyone to leave him alone with the creature.

They all came back speechless but with a lot of questions in their heads. “Mother, where did Father get that creature? Where have you all been these nine months?” Nephius asked.

Rachel asked her sons to take seats and she narrated everything to them. They were all struck numb. “so in short you are saying, the Naga, aka black widow got enraged by Clarris and in order to get her revenge she raped our father, got pregnant and stabbed him, then froze time, gave birth to an extinct creature that can break the curse then handed it to us and finally turned into dust." An exhausted Lotus asked

“Yes that sums up everything," Rachel replied.

“So we are going to be living with it, what if it turns against us and eats us up?" Marcus asked

“Unlike you, who tried to sell us out, that thing made a barrier and saved us. I don't think it's waiting for us to fatten up and eat us,” A very annoyed Nephius replied.

“I was not selling you guys out?” A very embarrassed Marcus replied.

“Of course you were not, you were only looking out for yourself!”

“I'm sorry guys it wasn't like that.”

“Just shut up!” the other brothers yelled at him.

“Please everyone calm down, your brother has already stated that he is sorry,” Rachel tried to intervene.

“Let's all just appreciate that we have defeated Clarris for today,” she added.

“Yes your mother is right,” King Jerald came out limping

Rachel ran to him and helped him take a seat.

Outside the castle, Clarris was busy with all mother of spells trying to break the barrier but with no avail. She tried but miserably failed. For centuries she had been in control making sure that king Jerald and Rachel lived in misery but now she was hopeless. All the sacrifices she had made were all going down the drain.

Out of nowhere, Cleselda appeared

“Where have you been you stupid witch?” Clarris yelled out

“Watch your mouth, I'm not the one that cursed the Naga's son.” A very furious Cleselda replied.

“What was I supposed to do? That thing was harvesting from my curses. I needed to send a message out. How was I to know that it's Mother had tricks up its sleeves! How was she able to freeze time?”

Cleselda sighed, “Never strike an enemy whose house your eyes have not seen”

“Spare me with your proverbs, we need solutions to deal with whatever is in that castle.”

It's a Nemo, they stated that it looked like a Lion, I can only assume that it's some form of Pixiu.” Cleselda stated.

“That can't be, Nemo's are extinct,” Clarris and Darrel stated in unison.

“A Naga mated with an immortal, the possibility of them creating a Nemo that can breathe this air, is Zero. But by some miracle they did,” A very dissapointed Cleselda stated.

Unknown to both Clarris and Darrell, Cleselda had a lot to lose and deep down she was panicking.

“But why did they? How is it even breathing?”

“I do not know Clarris! I do not know!” Cleselda replied

“It is your job to know stupid witch!”

This agitated Cleselda forcing her to cast fire at Clarris but Clarris was quick and dodge it

“Calm down ladies,” Darrell finally intervened. “we should be looking for solutions and not Killing each other.?

“Ask your queen to remember the hands that birthed her!” A very fuming Cleselda replied.

“Is that a threat??? You also remember the tears that woke you up!” Clarris countered

The two witches stared at each other with furry. Darrell was now forced to stand in between them.

“It's not, it's a reminder. Yes I never foresaw this. Something changed. Darrell is right, we need to find solutions,” Cleselda spoke first.

Cleselda snapped her fingers and they were all teleported into Clarris's black tower

”The good news is that, the Nemo is just a baby and not strong enough. It is relying on the energy of it's dead mother but soon it will run out of it and we will penetrate that barrier and crush it.” Cleselda said

“So we have to seat back and wait,” Clarris mocked.

“No we need to draw it out of the castle, you made a mistake taking its father to the castle. You gave it the advantage.”

“Everything I'm doing now is a mistake to you, isn't it??? I was trying to do the same thing you are talking about” A very angry Clarris stated.

“Yes you were but you should have done the exchange back here in the forest where it is not familiar with. In this forest you would have had the upper hand.why do you think it hid inside the boy's body???”

Clarris was quiet for a minute, Cleselda was right. She had not been using her head and the day old Nemo capitalized on it. She held her head and screamed out loud. The Naga had outsmarted them all.

“Okay fine, you win….What's your brilliant plan then? If I remember correctly you are the one that disappeared on me? Clarris asked in a mocking voice.

“I went to look for answers.”

“And did you find these answers?”


“Then that's great,” Clarris mocked

Darrell brought a book on Nemo's in excitement, “It is afraid of water and salt, it says right here that they never go near water nor salt.”

Clarris grabbed the book in excitement, “so all we have to do is get it out of that castle or find a way to pump water in that castle?”

“Remember that Nemos never breathed this air but this one does,” Cleselda reminded them.

“Trying never hurts but if you have a better idea we are all ears,” Clarris stated.

Cleselda was quiet

“I didn't think I saw, I will be in my chambers,” Clarris stated and left.

A very irritated Cleselda disappeared leaving a very confused Darrell alone pondering.