X Dynasty~The Accident

"Your Grace, it's time for you to wake up and prepare for your training today~" Hina, Nana's maid since she was a toddler whispered in a sweet voice.

After the sweet call of her maid,she started to leave onto her dream land, indicating that she is now awake.

She prepare herself for her training today.

'I wonder if Kai would come at my training spot today.' She thought while eating her breakfast.

As soon as she finished her breakfast, she hurriedly walk out of their place thinking if Kai would come today.

~At Kai's place~

"Now Matsuri, please let me go. I have to go at the mountainside and collect woods for us. The woods are important for us, you can't cook without them you know." Kai said to Matsuri who is hugging her brother and not planning to let go sooner.

"Matsuri,please let your brother go,okay?" Their mom said. Slowly, Matsuri let go of her brother.

'Yes! I am now free to go and meet the general's daughter!' He thought, and with that he start to walk away and go to the mountainside.

Nana's POV

~In her training spot (mountainside)~

I reached the mountainside earlier than I thought, phew! I look around, wondering if Kai was already here, but all that I can see was a bunch of trees.

'I should have not expect for him to come again here, or maybe he was just busy, or he is not permitted to--' My thoughts were interrupted when someone put their hands on my shoulder.

Me being me, quickly turned around and ready myself to attack.

"Woah easy there,it is just me" Kai exclaimed, surprised by my actions. I relaxed myself when I heared his voice.

"I thought you weren't coming today" I told him. "Geez, I can come whenever and wherever I want" Kai told me. I think he is lying. "Then why are you late,hmmm?" I asked him.

Kai's POV

I am surprised by her question,it is not easy to lie to her. I stare at her while thinking an alibi, but then she stare back at me. It's kinda scary if you are going to ask me. We stay like that for a minute, but then I gave up. "Okay, I am now telling you the truth." Her expression becomes soft. "The truth is I am here to collect some woods for cooking." Her expression changes again, as if she was about to cry.

'How cute'

"But that was just my alibi. I went here to be with you, to fullfill my promise to you. Not to just pick up some woods there." I added.

She walk closer to me. We are now standing next to each other. She was looking up at me and I am looking down at her."Ohh I understand. But please tell me the truth from now on,okay?" She said after I told her the truth. Her voice, it is an angelic voice,fit for an angelic face.

"Okay" I grin at her.

Oh wait, I remember she has a training today. 'She should be training right now.' "Uhh hey Nana, don't you have a training right now?" I asked her.

"Oh yes I have training right now! I almost forgot!" Realization hit her hard.

I hold her hand to prevent her from moving away from me, I have to tell her that I'll keep her accompany while getting my work done.

But I think I exerted too much force, I accidentally pulled her. I lose balance at my sudden action and we both ended up at the ground.

I close my eyes,my back hurts from the fall.

I open my eyes again, seeing the face of Nana. She was on top of me. I stare at her for how many minutes,she is really beautiful. But then she started to blush, I don't know why.

Looking around, I then realized that we are in weird position; me at the bottom and she at the top, very close to each other, our lips are only an inch apart.

I started to blush too,looking away at her.

After that, I started to recover myself from the fall. I sit up. And she sit up too.

"Hey if you want, I'll go pick up woods around your training spot. You can talk to me while you are training and me collecting woods." I told her lessening the akwardness between us.

"Sure!" She smiled innocently while closing her eyes as if nothing happened while ago.

'Wow,she quickly recovered from it, smiling innocently in front of me as if nothing happened.'

I stand up and she stand up too. She started her training and I started to collect the woods around her training spot.


~End of Nana's training~

"Hey you know what,Kai, my training was tiring" Nana told Kai while putting her head on Kai's lap.

Kai noticed her and looked at her. "May I rest on your lap?" She asked. Kai chuckled "I don't mind, just do whatever you want. And ohh don't sleep okay? Sooner both of us will go home."

"Okay" Was all Nana said before closing her eyes.

After about ten minutes,Kai checked on her. She was now asleep, this kid was really tired at her training.

He stare at her face. Then suddenly, Kai has the urge to touch her hair because it seems so smooth and silky.

Since Nana was asleep,Kai didn't hesitate to touch her hair. It is really smooth and silky. He started to get some strands of her hair to smell it. She uses a lavander scented shampoo, oh how pleasant the smell is.

After that,he touched her face. Suddenly Nana wake up from the touch. Kai quickly retrieved his hand.

"Hey I told you to not sleep. By the way, it is time for you to return to your place." Kai said as if he didn't do anything.

"Oh right I am sorry" she said while sitting up. "H-hey Kai,can I see you tomorrow?" She asked Kai, hoping they could meet each other again the next day.

"I'll try to sneak at them again,okay?"

"Okay,see you tomorrow."

They start to bid farewell to each other,hoping that they could see each other's face again tomorrow.


~At Kai's home~

"Mom,dad! Big bro is already here!~" Matsuri beamed happily. "Mom, Dad I am here now with bunch of woods." Kai winked at them while showing the bunch of woods he carry.

"Wow so many!~" Matsuri exclaimed. "Son,you seem tired. Here's your towel to wipe your sweat and please rest now." His mother said.

"That was amazing!" Kai suddenly exclaimed and all of his family member was surprised.

"Oh really it was amazing to collect woods at forest?" His father asked him with a questioning look on his face.

"Uhh nothing dad,you hear nothing." Kai told his dad while shaking his head. And run to his room.

'Yeah that was amazing,even if it was only an accident,but I have to be careful around my family. They will think that I am crazy.' he thought while replaying the scene in his head.

~At Nana's place~

"Welcome home,My Lady!" Hina welcomed her. "Welcome home,little Nana." Her elder brother, Sho said. "I'm home! And brother please don't call me 'little Nana' anymore,I am now a big girl." Nana pouted childishly.

"Sorry I can't help it,you are just so cute." Her brother told her.

"Anyway that was amazing." Nana said while grinning.

"What's so amazing with your training, you do it everyday." Her eldest brother, Haji spoke,coming out of his room.

Nana suddenly realized that she said it aloud. "Ahh nothing brother,I just met a cute deer on my way home." She said while hiding her blush. After that she

quickly run and went to her room.

"Hey Sho,don't you think it is an alibi?" Haji asked his younger brother. "Yeah I think it is. But we must not interfere at the things like that, let's give her privacy you know." His brother replied.


While there's Nana,blushing hard thinking about the scene she and Kai have earlier.