X Dynasty~ Light

Kai's POV

"Hey, wait." The Crown Princess, Nana, said. Making us halt for a while then ask her what does she needs.

Happiness is suddenly recited by my inner voice, heart thumps faster than before. She changed a lot. Yet I can still see her passionate eyes glistening through the vibrant hues of the setting sun, the same eyes that seized my attention years ago.

After my cousin greeted the young Crown Princess, I stooped too to greet the Crown Princess.

After greeting, my cousin asked her, "It's rare to be stopped by the Crown Princess after the conference. May I ask what does the Princess wants from me?"

They continued to talk, while I just went on to gaze at them.

For the past few months—well, a year, only things that didn’t go well continued to occur. Pain and remorse remained to stream down on my system.

Now that we finally meet, there are so many things I hope to tell her; to ask her. However, words can't go out of my mouth effortlessly, I felt a lump on my throat prohibiting me from telling everything.

But from what I saw just now, I guess I finally comprehend who I am. I understand my true self, and most importantly, I've decided on my future.

"Seems like she's aware of your individuality. Go and talk to her." I heard my cousin whispered, then put a supportive pat on my shoulder before leaving the two of us.

"It's the moment. Do it; it's now or never." He muttered then vanished from my vision.

With that, I stepped forward meeting the Crown Princess that used to be my lover. A smile has already pulled out on her face. I noted that she took off her outer robe, revealing her outfit. She is wearing man's clothes.

She grabbed my hand then dragged me. I can feel that her strength has improved a lot since the last time we met.

Somehow I feel embarrassed that my strength is more vulnerable than hers now. But that doesn't matter, the only thing that matters right now is a man disguised as a maid and the Crown Princess disguised as a scholar running on the streets, hand in hand.

But I am pretty sure that someday I can become stronger, I ought to protect my loved ones after all.

Being taken by this by Nana feels like going back on our past. I want to live in this moment, I wish to stop the time.

But I couldn't, can I? I just cracked up at the thought, it feels so nice to resuscitate old memories, isn't it?

Then we stopped once we reached the end of the unfamiliar alley. "No matter when, no matter where, every day, I just think of you." The Princess said then moved towards me. Our bodies clashed with each other, it's been a long time since we last did it.

I hugged her back then started to whimper on her shoulders, I miss this. I won't let go of you anymore.

"And even if we will be punished because of the forbidden love, I will still love you. No matter what." She added, the cloth on my chest was starting to get damp by the second.

"And if it will happen, I want to protect you. I’m by your side." I responded, feeling nothing but safeguarding her and being by her side by the moment she needs me the most.

"So let’s believe that someday we can be together, every daybreak waking up in each other's arms. We can be together eternally, just keep on having faith in each other." We both recited, recalling our pledges to each other.

We both giggled, just pure happiness and nothing more. Just the two of us, living our life into its happiest stage.

I remembered that the sun has eventually relinquished, and I can already catch a glimpse of the stars emerging one by one in the evening sky. I beamed then tugged her waist and climbed up on the roof of the highest establishment I found near the alley.

"H-Hey, where are you taking me to?" Nana asked, about to cry out but I instantly covered her mouth.

I crouched comfortably on the roof with Nana glancing at the stars transpire one by one.

I just sighed with contentment then began talking. "You know, many things happen when you’re gone. The river that streams down in my system has gone into drought. Bounty can no longer be spotted in my heart, my realm has been shattered." I amplified.

She too has told me what she has felt when she realized that she have no choice but to marry the contemporary Crown Prince.

"So the two of us have to carry our karma on our shoulders, huh? We never fought the love we have for each other that time." I asked, affirming the fact that it's our fault that we are in these circumstances right now. If we could have fought our love back then, or if we could have not met back then...

"When we can’t even cast a spell to get our bond tougher, of course, we can't fight the love we had. And then they leave me no choice that time." Nana said half-jokingly to light up the mood. Then slightly plopping her back on the roof, watching the twinkling stars at the night sky.

I copied her, looking at the sky full of stars that appeared a while ago. "You know...." I trailed off then continued, "It’s okay to rely on someone else when you don't know what to do anymore, I am here. I won't leave you anymore, I'll stay by your side as long as I can." I consoled her.

She sighed then slumping her shoulders into relaxed form, giving up the Crown Princess personality of hers. "You might be lonelier than me. Just you and your family on the middle of your farm, no Nana or cheerful Kai around."

She glanced at me, I can see her eyes with a sad gaze that pierced through my cerulean eyes.

She's dreadful about what transpired between us but also suffers from other problems at the same time.

I sat up then peered softly at her slumped body on the roof. "If you’re suffering, I’ll become your strength." I solaced her, she's suffering but she doesn't want me to bother about her.

"And in the future, I want to become someone for your sake. Someone that can protect you no matter what. Even if we are from the different sides of the world, I'll still find you." I crossed my fingers, taking a covenant on my loved one under the luminous gleaming moon.

"Kai...Thank you! Thank you for everything, let's be together forever!" She said getting back on her cheerful personality and then suddenly sit up to hug me once again.

"On rainy days, or even on windy days..." I ought then accepted the hug.

"Even if the end of the world visits us." She added, releasing me from the hug.

"I’ll continue to go forward and look for you. I won’t disappear, unlike back on those days." I said, observing the bustling night market.

"So let’s believe that in the future we can be together, and never let go of the light that guided us into each other." We both announced at the same time then laughed wholeheartedly.

"You think that too?" I asked then chuckled, surprised that she thinks of the same ought as me. "Yeah, surprised?" She giggled happily, joining me to look down on the people at the bustling night market.

"Even if you disappear, I will still find you. Even time and the world will separate us, I will find a way to be with you." She trailed off casually caressing my hair and began taking off my hairpin.

"We’ll definitely meet in the future, right?" I asked, now more anxious than earlier about what will happen in the future.

"Even if we approach a finite time, just like this. I am pretty sure that the future ahead of us is better than we expected." She reassured patting my back but never responded to my question directly.

"Let’s just hold on to the string that ties us together. That's our only hope for now." She added, fixing the hairpin on my hair she removed a while ago.

"Let's go." She said standing up, she extended her hand for me to stand up. But instead of standing up, I just pull her for a warm embrace.

I took her waist then ascended down in the roof, taking us back to the dark alley.

"No matter when I'll wait for it. No matter where I'll find you. Even if our bodies are ruined by the hopeless faith we put onto each other, I still want to protect you. I’m by your side, even if we're worlds apart. Remember that. So let’s believe that we can be together forever, believing that the future ahead of us was full of happiness that only we can enjoy. We'll always be together." I finally said my parting words. Yes, we can meet in the future but not like this, she's now the Crown Princess. We can't just meet whenever we want, it's luck for both of us that we can be together even in a small amount of time.

"Even on rainy days or windy days, even if the end of the world visits us, I promise!" She shouted.

"I’ll continue to go forward on that destined future for us, I won’t disappear just like a year ago.

So let’s believe we can be together, and climb towards the light where only the two of us can be together." She added, bidding goodbye to me.

We have already walked into separate paths when I hear someone shouting. "That can't be! Cure my cousin or I'll kill you all!" The voice exclaimed.