Chapter 1 Departure

Chapter 1


-How time goes by, it seems incredible that it was 3 years ago when you arrived here, Izarick. (Kika)

-You are right, who would say that I would be 10 years old so quickly and choose my future occupation. (Izarick)

That's right, today is the day I'm going to have the selection ceremony. Just like last year, I am not worried about my stats being seen, because thanks to [deception] I can make what it reflects in people's eyes to be false stats.

That's what I did with Felia and Sora's.

But for some reason, for this ceremony a formal dress will be used, so right now, I am putting on or they are helping me to put on a gala dress. One of those who make tailors.

Black pants, a white long-sleeved shirt, a reddish-orange jacket and a dark red tie and black shoes.

I asked Kika for help with creating the costume, and since she liked me too much, she even said she would help me put it on.

I did not refuse.

-Well, it's done, you really look great Izarick, I still keep wondering how you came up with the design for an outfit like that. (Kika)

-It was just a bit of imagination, it occurred to me in the same way that happened with the bikini and women's underwear. (Izarick)

-I see, well, if you can think of some clothes for women, please, I want to be the first to find out and try it. (Kika)

-Of course, well, it's time for us to go to the plaza, I don't want to be late. (Izarick)

-Okay, come on. (Kika)

With that we left the dressing room that was made 1 year ago.

And we began to go towards the central square of the town.

........ ........ .........

There are definitely a lot of people present.

I must say that since I became ... a millionaire, so to speak ... and all the things that I have done, Pueblo Mexa has grown considerably, even believing that it is already at the point where it can no longer be called "pueblo" thought it is better to call it, a "small town"

Travelers come and go, I even saw the "typical adventurers" their levels were definitely "high" or something like that. They hovered between 150 and 170.

And of course there is an adventurer guild, although it is not at the level of a city guild or something similar. He has his own.

It is a 2-story building, and has only the basics.

Reception, dining room (bar) office and 3 more rooms.

It is good that none of the new inhabitants, travelers or merchants know that I am the creator of the "new products"

The original Mexa people complied with what I asked, to keep my secret.

Now, today, there are 35 children not counting me.

That they are going to perform the selection ceremony.

And I ... well, I'm the last in line.

And I'm currently editing my stats to match the rank of all the kids present.

Although I had to spy on one or another child to know at what level I am going to place them.

(Be careful, just spy on the children, I'm not so shameless as to spy on a girl ... although I couldn't help it when they were twins and they changed together ...)

-well ... you're done, my fake level is 30 and my stats are between 2800 and 3000 ... double the normal. (Izarick)

moments later, a man arrived wearing a dark blue robe and carrying a steel staff with very well done lines and a blue gem embedded in the upper part.

His age should be at least 35 years old, light brown hair and sharp eyes, he has a scar on his right eye.

I don't know its level, to tell the truth, it's the first time I've seen it.

But even though I don't know his level, just by looking at him, I know he's strong, maybe 10 or 20 levels higher than Wells was.

But there is a difference, and it is that this man is a magician while Wells was a warrior (coupled with not being a mana user)

The man examines us all one by one with his gaze and ... he stops when he reaches me.

Our eyes meet, I do not divert mine, he stared at him, just as he sees me.

-Everyone pay attention and be quiet ... "TUM" "TUM" (strokes of the staff against the ground) Let's start with the ceremony, I thank you for keeping silent so that there are no controversies. (??)

The man spoke in an authoritative tone and everyone fell silent, not even the sound of flies passing or the wind blowing could be heard.

-let's start. (??)

With that, a kind of royal blue screen with gold and silver lettering swimming between the screen.

It is similar to that sphere that old Goto took out in Le (Leila) ceremony

But for some reason, I feel like this is something much more advanced than that sphere. I've even used the sphere in Sora and Felia's ceremony ...

But what bad luck I have, I just had to touch something like that to me ...

Well, anyway, just wait and see what happens.

One by one they passed.

Among those who passed a person exceeded my expectations, he had level 25 and his stats are between 2000 and 2500.

Name: Yenix

Level: 25

-Strength: 2,500

-Agility: 2,200

-Resistance: 2,000

-Vitality: 2,300

-Skill: 2,000

-Wisdom and Learning: 2,500

-Mana: 2,500

-Mana quality: A

-Ki: 2,500

-Ki Ability: B +

She is a 10 year old girl, fiery red hair, eyes of the same color ... I have to admit, she looks like me.

But what seems strange to me is that he does not have a last name.

And she is the only one among all those present who does not have formal clothes.

He only wears simple gray trousers and a slightly dirty flannel.

It is also my first time seeing this girl.

No one seemed to care.

Except for the man performing the ceremony and me.

After another few minutes it was finally my turn to come forward.

By the way.

The profession or occupation that the girl named Yenix took was an unusual one.

"Magic knight" happened what happened to my sister, that was the only one I could choose.

Now, I am in front of that screen and that man.

I moved my hand and released my mana, then the mark on my back lit up and the gold and silver letters began to move revealing my stats.

Name: Izarick Barack

Level: 30

-Strength: 3,000

-Agility: 2,900

-Resistance: 2,800

-Vitality: 3,000

-Skill: 3,000

-Wisdom and Learning: 3,000

-Mana: 3,000

-Mana quality: C-

-Ki: 3,000

-Ki Ability: A ++

Everyone was surprised, although not as much as when they saw Felia and Sora's.

Yenix glared at me seeing that my stats are higher than hers.

Notice that the man looked at me as if he was evaluating me. Then he closed his eyes for a few seconds and spoke again.

-Well, it seems that we have 2 geniuses in this generation, now, it only remains for Izarick to choose his future occupation. (??)

With that, my stats disappeared and were replaced by 3 frames. With images of me wearing clothes dedicated to the name underneath.




I begin to think things through, the occupation that I am going to choose is the one that best suits my way of fighting ... Besides, how am I at the moment dedicating myself more to what is creating magic and things like that. ..what profession or occupation investigates those things ... Sorcerer ...? No, it doesn't suit my tastes, besides, I don't want to become something like a magician, so I'm going to choose ... Alchemist.

Above all, because alchemists work with the physical properties of magic and matter.

And also since they are "magicians" I can kill two birds with one stone.

-I will choose the occupation of "Alchemist"! (Izarick)

-....... (everybody)

Everyone present was in deep silence at my words.


Well, I don't know, from their expressions it is as if they were disappointed in my choice.

Like an innocent man, I asked the reason and the answer I received was ... a look away.

Except for the man in front of me.

Who was still looking at me sharply and neutrally.

-Hey kid, are you sure you choose "that" occupation? (??)

-Yes, very sure, I have already thought about it very carefully and I am 100% sure of my choice. (Izarick)

-... Honestly, in my personal opinion I do not think that this profession suits you, it is one of the weakest occupations, it does not give many benefits and, as if that were not enough, your quality of mana is too low, showing that you have no talent for magic, even though your amount of mana is high for your age ... But hey, I can't choose what others do with their lives. (??)

Now I understand, in this world alchemists are very weak, surely they only dedicate themselves to making poisons, potions and similar products.

But, according to the anime and knowledge of my world, alchemists have enormous potential.

And I'm going to be in charge of proving it.

The intimidating man struck the ground again with his staff and the image of the alchemist occupation turned into letters and scrolled in line to the mark on my back.

I could feel a slight heat build up and then write something.

Then he stopped and thus ended the selection ceremony.


Now only the party is missing and then ...

Second part.

Drums can be heard beating throughout the plaza, guitars, flutes and other instruments can be heard causing a beautiful melody to be born.

People dance in pairs a great view and setting for a celebration.

And me?

Posts, I am again sitting at a table while I watch how others enjoy the party.

I know many say that the best way to enjoy a party is to be active at it.

But I don't think the same.

I think that by observing you also learn and enjoy.

-Please Felia, dance with me !! (??)

-Sora let's dance !! (??)

-Violeta I want you to join me in this piece !! (??)

-Drigil, do you want to dance with me!? (??)

I can see how the line of candidates asking to dance with the girls stretches.

What can I say, all of them are very popular and without naming their beauty.

They are certainly something of the ideal girl.

Although they agree to dance, I think they do so reluctantly.

This is so because I asked them to dance with at least 1 single boy besides me.

I do this because it will be a serious problem if they are not able to control their emotions towards those ... Romeo, who like to flirt and stuff.

Let's call this, something like a little anger management training.

-Hey you!!(??)

A female voice, or rather a girl's voice caught my attention, and I turned my head to where the voice came from.

There is standing, a girl with crimson hair was looking at me in a very threatening way with those red eyes.

Yenix, it was definitely her.

I got up from my seat at the table where I am eating.

I extend my arm in greeting.

She begins to approach with a firm step.

Being about 2m from me, he points at me with his index finger and his fully extended arm.

-Izarick !! I want you to have a duel with me !! (Yenix)

-he !!? (Izarick)

And I didn't see that coming.

Yenix's gaze, this girl I barely met today, for something like ... a few hours?

Now he's challenging me to a duel.

Although I don't know why.

My instinct tells me not to reject.

-... but what is the reason that you want to challenge me ... (Izarick)

-I'll make it clear who is the strongest here! I'm not going to let a child who lives in luxury and has not known what it is like to work and have to survive day by day get over me !! (Yenix)

-... ... ... (Izarick)


I already understand where all this comes from.

What she just told me explains why she was or is the only one who did not wear elegant clothes, the most likely thing is that those clothes she is wearing are the best she has.


For some reason I can't help but feel annoyed by his words ...

-... Okay, but I just want to know one thing ... since this is a duel, what are we going to put into play? (Izarick)

-... The winner will be able to order whatever he wants to the loser. (Yenix)

- Sounds good to me, where are we going to have the duel? (Izarick)

-in the park next door. (Yenix)

-Come on then (Izarick)

..... ..... .....

The night wind blows slowly, the moonlight illuminates the stage where I am currently.

In front of me, a girl my own age, crimson hair and blood-colored eyes.

In both hands he holds a sword, twin swords made of ordinary steel.

And I, well, I only have a long sword, although its weight is 2 or 3 times greater than normal.

Of course, Yenix's weapons also have a different factor.

These weapons are from my personal warehouse.

"Pim" "Pim" a small screen appeared in front of me.

"A challenge.

Participants 2.

1vs1 fight mode

Yenix has challenged you to an individual duel.

The use of any Ki magic or technique is allowed.

The terms for victory are:

-that the opponent surrenders.

-that some of the participants cannot continue for x reason.

You accept the duel: YES ---- NO "

I accepted the duel and an accountant appeared above us at a medium distance from us.

Yenix took a fighting stance, one sword in front and one behind.

I also took one.









Get started !!

Third person narration.

Yenix started running with all her might towards Izarick who was just waiting for her calmly.

Being close enough, Yenix swung one of her swords quickly, it was aimed at Izarick's neck.

Who dodges the attack by taking a step back.

Yenix doesn't stop and continues with a second horizontal attack from both swords.

Izarick, already prepared for this, stops the attack with his sword and then kicks by turning his body in a clockwise direction.

The kick hit the midpoint between Yenix's abdomen and chest who was separated from the ground a few cm due to the force of the blow.

A little stunned but still managed to respond in time and as soon as her feet touched the ground she jumped back with all her might.

-... what the hell was that, when I gave my first attack, I had already planned his reaction, which would move backwards and then attack him on his side, but ... The one who blocked my second attack and counterattacked so quickly ... as if I already knew what I was going to do, besides, that blow contained a lot of force, but even so I didn't feel anything ... (Yenix)

Yenix resumes his stance and resumes his attack once more.

"Shiim" "Shuum" the sound of swords clashing, sparks flitting like fireflies in the middle of the night.

To anyone viewing this fight from a third party's point of view, I would say this is a fight already decided by the huge barrage of attacks that Yenix unleashes on Izarick.

But it's not like that.

It is true that the one who attacks is only Yenix.

But until now.

Not a single one of his attacks, no matter how fast and strong, failed to even graze Izarick's body.

Block, block, dodge, dodge, block, dodge.

He would repeat or subtly change his pattern of actions in the face of Yenix's attacks, so that he would not be able to guess his next course of action.

Izarick's point of view.

Our little duel has dragged on.

I must admit that this girl really has talent.

His attacks even though they are fast and strong, show that he has worked hard to polish his skills even without having someone as a tutor or teacher.

I can say this very easily just by seeing how her swords move, the amount of openings I see in her poses and the lack of technique clearly show that she has not had a professional accessory, that is also known because she only fights on instinct and does not follow any of the styles.

-I keep playing with her or I start to take the fight seriously…… I think it's time to finish.

I deflected one of Yenix's swords and gave a strong counterattack aimed at her board… I say chest, I meant chest. Aimed at his chest.

Yenix managed to defend herself against my counterattack, but, she was stunned by my sudden change of actions.

In seconds my attacks that were like a stormy rain, lashed out at Yenix, who somehow managed to avoid as much damage as possible.

And for the last move, I forcefully threw my sword like a spear, knowing that I couldn't avoid my attack due to the speed of the throw.

Yenix put her two swords in front like an X and the tip of mine collided with them.

"TRHHIISS" the loud crash sound, Yenix was pushed back due to the force of the impact, she dropped her swords the moment her back hit the ground.

I moved at high speed and grabbed her from behind.

I put my right arm on his abdomen and my left hand on his forehead.

-I think I win this duel. So I would like you to please give up, I don't like to hurt a young lady. (Izarick)

- ... I-I give up ... (Yenix)

Although her voice sounded shaky, it was fine with me as long as I didn't have to hit her for real. That is why I myself deflected my own attacks when I saw that the swords collided with each other at the slightest rosé.

`` tam'' `` tam'' the bell that signaled the end of the duel was heard.

-c-could you please s-drop me? (Yenix)

-… no, I can't let you go, this is part of my request as a winner, I want you to be my dance partner. (Izarick)

With those words, Yenix's eyes widened, clearly not expecting something like this to be my request. I saw that her cheeks flushed slightly, she was surely embarrassed, and with "-n-I can't refuse since that was the agreement" those words, I took her hand and we started to head to the dance floor.

Along the way, I was already preparing for the clear catastrophic event that would surely unfold once those four girls saw me dancing with someone else.


I don't do this because I am in love with this girl, I do it to eliminate a clear and bad image that she has about me.

Upon reaching the track we mingled with the crowd waiting for the music to begin.


I don't know if it was luck or misfortune ... but.

Precisely the music that they began to play… it was very similar to the waltz of my world.

Taking the posture for the dance, we began to move to the rhythm of the music.

-Now that we are like this, I think we can speak more calmly. (Izarick)

-What do you mean talking? (Yenix)

-It is with respect to that "image" of a spoiled rich child that you have about me. (Izarick)

-Am I wrong? (Yenix)

-Yes, you are, I am a child of a humble class like you, I do not belong to the nobility and much less royalty. (Izarick)

-Well, let me tell you that you do not look like it, that suit you wear, it is definitely something very expensive, and above all it is something that a child of my social class could never get even because he worked and saved the money of a lifetime. (Yenix)

-You're wrong about that, I made this suit myself with the help of Kika, the owner of the orphanage, that's where I live, and I'm an orphan, in case you didn't know, Yenix. You are not the only person who has worked hard all his life, so please, I will ask you to rethink that image you have about me. (Izarick)

- …… I… didn't know, excuse me… (Yenix)

-well, don't worry about that we all make mistakes. (Izarick)

With that, I kept dancing with Yenix for the rest of the celebration ...

Although then I had to pay the consequences ...

Girls are definitely very scary… scarier than a magical beast. Luckily, I used the gift of speech and managed to avoid some kind of divine punishment.

The next day.

-Hello old man, good morning, is the carriage I asked for ready? (Izarick)

-Hello Izarick, yes, it is ready, made to measure as you requested, it is twice as large as a large carriage to carry heavy merchandise, 8 men can easily sleep, and for that I do not think they will lack space. (Owner of the workshop)

-Okay, but… (Izarick)

- What's wrong, is there something wrong? (Owner of the workshop)

-… can you lend me your tools? I want to do several touch-ups. (Izarick)

-… okay… (Owner of the workshop)

Looking at the carriage, I checked its structure, stability and toughness with [Analysis]… I can't say it's wrong, but it's not right either, a middle ground.

But, seeing how things are with this carriage, it won't be able to withstand the force of an and the instability will be very bad ...

I am not a mechanical genius ... but I am sure I can do something about this carriage ...

It took me about 2h to finish everything, I changed a little its external shape, and the movement mechanisms, shock absorbers and that. Apply various unique magics on the carriage.

And technically the instability was reduced to 0%, being 100% stable, its resistance increased considerably, I even think that it could withstand a few hits from an Orichalcum golem of level 40 or lower, it would also withstand the attacks of a dragon ... and for That they know it, that it is able to resist their attacks, does not mean that it is indestructible.

-well, with this it is ready, thank you very much for everything old ... or, and one last thing, can you promise not to tell anyone about this? (Izarick)

-I don't know what you're talking about son, I haven't seen anything. (Owner of the workshop)

With that, I took the carriage to the outskirts of the small town Mexa, where everyone must already be waiting for me.


There are waiting are the girls, Kika, the school teachers and everyone else.

I took the carriage out of my inventory and when they saw it, they all gasped, although I don't know why, since on the outside it is not very different from a normal carriage due to the fact that it seems to be made of wood, but it is not, the matter main are several types of metals combined.

-This is the carriage where they will travel right ...? (Kika)

-Yes, that's right, I made several modifications to it, that's why its appearance is different. (Izarick)

-well, as expected of you, you really break the sense of logic ... (Kika)

Saying that, everyone nods at that statement, well, I can't deny it. I just put on a smile and started laughing with them.

The girls began to inspect the inside of the carriage ...

After a few minutes, in the distance about 4 could be seen coming at full speed, but only one of them was the one with a rider who was leading the group. He was a young man in his early 20s.

The stopped being close enough, he got out and introduced himself as the one who was sent to take us to the eastern capital.

The girls put all their things into the carriage and the young man began to tie the to the carriage, I just waited for all of them to finish to get on.

And when all things were ready for a game ...

- Wait a minute! (?)

A female voice was heard very clearly, everyone turned in the direction of that voice.

Running at full speed, a red-haired 10-year-old girl carrying a duffel bag on her back was easily visible.

The girls and I look at each other.

- Please Izarick, I want to take me with you! (Yenix)

-If you know we're on our way to the East Capital, right? (Izarick)

-I have studied the maps throughout the night, the shortest travel route is to go in a straight line, and if you go that way, a small town is passing through, my uncles live in that town, so I wanted to ask you to please Let me go with you at least until I get as close as possible! (Yenix)

-Okay, come with us. (Izarick)

-I know I'm not going to be able to pay the …… wait a minute, what did you just say? (Yenix)

-That you came with us, the town where your uncles live is passing through right? I don't see the problem with getting you there. Come on, don't stand there all day. (Izarick)

With that, Yenix got into the carriage, and a new temporary travel member joined us.

We began to move forward and said goodbye to everyone with our hands up as we watched their figures grow more and more distant.

That place that welcomed us for 3 years, we saw it as a large town at first, but then it became a small city.

We move away from the small town Mexa, heading towards the future, the place where the first checkpoint is located.

The East Capital, the sacred academy.

The place where I am going to take the first step, to begin.