34.First day of slokh .

Once slokh entered in world nurse put the baby on sunita chest to see her first and at the very second sunita was in utter bliss , as if she never bear any pain , trouble health issues to bring slokh in this world , thats what the first feeling sunita went through for first sight of slokh and swear to her she will always protect him .

After giving birth to slokh gynecologists doctor did the left over processor for sunita , she did.t feel any pain as was in world of happiness . She was given sedatives to suppress pain , she was transferred to the room and helped to feed slokh . After that mother child slept .

. There was no one staying with her . She was sad that suraj didn't stayed with her and she was very reluctant to ask him stay as it should come from his side not from her .

She thought birth of slokh would definitely bring changes in their life. She was all dreaming that she would be gifted by suraj something but it failed .