
The sun was just rising over the horizon. Frost coated the grass and dew gathered on the leaves.

Nestled within a small valley, surrounded by the Jade mountains, was the village of Bellwood. Roughly hewn wood planks, thatched roofs, and boarded windows were in abundance. No large villas of the wealthy were in sight. These were the buildings of the common people. Smoke rose from the chimneys and the smell of woodsmoke mixed in with the smell of wet-pine.

Already, the first few residents were emerging from the warm comfort of their homes; ready to make a living by felling trees in the surrounding forest and mining Jade, the region's primary good, out of the rock.

Within one of these homes, a husband and wife were standing over a wooden cradle. A smile crept over the mother’s face as she gazed at her sleeping infant.

The baby was already sporting a thin-head of dark-brown hair, a few shades darker than his skin.

Quietly, the pair left the room and slowly closed the door. After the door latched shut the father started getting ready for work. Before he could set for the door, clutching his heavy axe and rucksack, his wife dropped a question on him.

“What are we going to name him? We have waited enough.”

The father paused for a moment, his brows furrowed in concentration. “How about Thomas?” Thomas had been the name of his great-grandfather who died just after he was born.

His wife took a seat by the small fireplace and sat her chin upon her hand. “Not a bad idea,” she said, then looked up at him. “But what about Jakob?”

He knew that once his wife made up her mind there was no changing it. It was one of the many reasons why he loved her. As he knelt in front of her, he gathered her hands in his, her pale skin a stark contrast to his darker skin . “If it is Jakob you want, then Jakob it shall be.” He kissed her on the forehead. “I’ll see you this evening.”

After the door closed behind him, she rose and went to her child’s room. This time her son was awake. His deep brown eyes glanced around as he took in his small room.

Another smile swept across her face. “Welcome to the world, Thomas.”

Across the village another woman was tending to her crying son, only a few weeks older than Thomas. Tears streamed out of his emerald-green eyes.

As her baby cried, she held him. The light fabric of her gown was soon sodden with tears.

“Hush my son, I’m right here. Don’t worry, no monsters are here.” She walked into the living area and sat in a chair close to the fireplace. As she continued to rock her son in her arms, he started to slowly fall back asleep.

“Nothing will get you. You will grow up to be strong and courageous and humble.” She paused for a moment as a tired smile slowly spread across her face. “For now, just sleep, Ivan. For I am here with you.”