Chapter 6

Thomas chuckled as Ned walked away. “That was odd. And odd for Bellwood at that.”

Ivan still eyed the old figure. “It’s crazy old Ned. Can you expect anything less?”

“Fair point.” Thomas grunted as he lifted another log onto his shoulders.

The boys stacked logs for another hour until their replacements showed up and the lunch bell started ringing.

Hearing the bell Thomas gratefully threw the log he had been carrying to the side and started walking to the lunch tables. He grabbed a bowl filled with stew and a thick slice of bread and he slumped hard onto the bench. Ivan slide onto the bench across from him with his own food.

Neither boy spoke as they inhaled the nourishing and reviving food. Before they knew it, both bowls were empty and crumbs littered the table.

“That was needed,” said Ivan as he brushed stray crumbs off his trousers.

Thomas was too busy scraping the edge of his bowl to respond. After several unsuccessful attempts Ivan snatched the bowl away.