Chapter 10

Upon arrival to Terra Alta life, it seemed to Thomas, became absolute hell.

After the new batch of cadets were split into companies of one hundred, they were subjected to the harshest training in Valden.

Cadets were pulled from their warm cots well before first light, when the chill of the night was still present, to perform various drills and exercises. Each exercise was designed to enhance strength, stamina, and agility while the drills focused on teamwork and cohesion.

“The secret behind our tactics lies not in each individual soldier but rather each group as a whole,” a sergeant, who called himself Kurtz, called out one morning. “Where as before an attacker would only have to get through one body, they now have to get through a line of bodies reinforced with wood and iron.” He waved his hand and a cart, pulled by two heavy-set draft horses, entered from the gloom.

The sergeant's voice rang out again and carried over the waiting crowd. “Now come get your shields.”