Chapter 12

Amina found herself almost falling asleep during embroidery class. After an hour of suffering through lecture after lecture, she had enough. She slammed her book shut and stormed out.

“Wait,” her teacher yelled. “Princess Amina. Wait!”

Amina ignored him and hurried in the direction of her room. Once there, she grabbed a dark gray cloak and despite the heat, wrapped it around her. After pulling up the hood to cover her face, she quietly left the room and made her way outside of the Royal Palace.

The Royal Palace was surrounded by four high walls, complete with its own battlements. In case of attack, the Royal Palace acted as the last line of defense and could be completely sealed off from the rest of the city. There were two main gates leading out from the Royal Palace, both of which were placed under guard twenty-four hours a day.

Amina had always gotten along with the guards, so she approached them easily. “Good day.”